LuKe swamped- Peatland and moss research event

Special event at the Natural Resources Institute Finland

Date: Tuesday 4th April

Time: 1200-1530

Location: Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) Savotta, 2nd floor, Viikki


Janne Artell, Ioanna Grammatikopoulou, Eija Pouta

Willingness to pay for mire protection in Southern Finland under the Values project; Accounting for citizens’ and landowners’ perceptions.

Kristiina Regina

Turvepellot – välttämättömiä ruuantuotannolle vai lupaavia päästövähennyskohteita?

Hannu Ilvesniemi

Suot biotalouden raaka-aineena

Niko Silvan

Rahkasammalten monet mahdollisuudet

Sakari Sarkkola

Lisääkö suometsätalous taustahuuhtoumaa vesistöihin?

Mika Nieminen

Pilaako ennallistaminen vesistöt?

Markku Saarinen

Suometsien puuston käsittelyvaihtoehdot vesistöjä kuormittavien avohakkuiden ja kunnostusojitusten välttämiseksi

Soili Kojola, Pentti Niemistö, Anssi Ahtikoski ja Raija Laiho

Hieskoivun kasvatus turvemailla ─ From useless thickets to valuable resource?

Hannu Fritze

Methanotrophs – a new hypothesis as to why they are important

Boris Tupek

The role of soil moisture and fertility in CO2 exchange of boreal forest-mire ecotone

Markus Hartman

Heterotrophic and autotrophic soil CO2 respiration in two drained peatland sites after nutrient application

Raija Laiho

Juuristojen hiilivirrat

Tuula Larmola

Vaarantaako typpilaskeuma soiden hiilinielun?

Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) has a wide range of expertise on peatlands and how to use our peatlands sustainably.

Welcome to join the discussion on 4th April, at noon, at Luke, Viikki Savotta 2nd floor, or remotely.

The event is targeted to our stakeholders and the scientific community. The event is bilingual with talks given in Finnish or English as indicated in the program.

Visitors to Luke, please meet at 11:50 AM in front of Luke Registry 2nd floor B Building, to be guided to Savotta room.

Please register by 30th March.

More information from Tuula Larmola, 050 4659324