Events in September

ViPS events in September 2017

Tuesday 5th, 13:30-16:45

Metsien käytön kestävyys ja hiilinielut – seminaariin

Seminar room 5 (1st floor), LuKe Natural Resources Institute Finland (Viikki A building), Latokartanonkaari  9

Friday 8th, 13:00

Wine Science Seminar

Laura Nikinmaa: Dynamics of sugar concentrations in Norway spruce during drying-wetting cycles - the role of soil hydraulic conductivity

Room 529, 5th floor, Forest Sciences Building (B), Latokartanonkaari 7

Wednesday 13th, 13:15

Invited Plant Seminar

Bert de Rybel, VIB Center for Plant Systems Biology, University of Ghent, Belgium

Controlling cell division orientation during vascular proliferation in plants

Host: Ari Pekka Mähönen

Location: Korona Infocentre, seminar room 4, Viikinkaari 11

Wednesday 13th, 14:15

Plant Club

1415 Teng Zhang, Department of Agricultural Sciences

Patterning of the Asteraceae capitulum

1435 Juha Immanen, Institute of Biotechnology & Department of Biosciences

Ecophysiology of modified CK signaling & cambial growth

1455 Swarnalok De, Department of Food & Environmental Sciences

Disruption of methionine cycle- a potential strategy undertaken by potyviral HCPro to suppress anti-viral RNA silencing in the host during single and mixed infection scenario

Location: Biocentre 2, seminar room 1015, Viikinkaari 5

Thursday 14th, 15:00

Special plant seminar

Wim van Ieperen, Wageningen University, The Netherlands

Light in Dutch Greenhouse Horticulture: The Past, Present and Future 

Seminar room 1015, Biocentre 2, Viikinkaari 5

Host: Paula Elomaa

Friday 15th, 12:00

Thesis defence

Marja Rantanen (Department of Agricultural Sciences & DPPS)

Light and temperature as developmental signals in woodland strawberry and red raspberry

Opponent: Professor Wim van Ieperen, Wageningen University, The Netherlands

Auditorium 2, Viikki Korona Info building, Viikinkaari 11

Friday 15th - Thursday 21st

Course: Plants & Climate Change

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