Events in October

ViPS events in October 2017

Tuesday 10th, 16:00-18:00

ViPS Science Fair 2017

Location: Viikki A building foyer, Latokartanonkaari 9

Wednesday 11th, 13:15

Invited Plant Seminar

Totte Niitylä, Umeå Plant Science Centre, University of Umeå, Sweden

Carbon for wood cell walls – new insights into the synthesis of cell wall polymers

Host: Anna Kärkönen

Location: Biocentre 2, seminar room 2012, Viikinkaari 5

Wednesday 11th, 14:15

Plant Club

1415 Yafei Zhao, Department of Agricultural Sciences

Evolutionary diversification of CYC/TB1-like TCP genes in basal eudicot models Eschscholzia californica and Cysticapnos vesicaria (Papaveraceae s.l.)

1435 Linping Wang, Department of Agricultural Sciences

High Throughput Screening (HTS) of chemical inhibitors of SPCSV RNase3

1455 Timo Sipilä, Department of Biosciences

The genomic insight to infection biology of fungal pathogen Taphrina betulina

Location: Biocentre 2, seminar room 2012, Viikinkaari 5