Events in October

ViPS events in October 2018

Wednesday 10th, 13:15

Invited Plant Seminar

Julia Bailey-Serres, University of California, Riverside, USA

Plants, Oxygen and Water Extremes

Host: Kurt Fagerstedt

Location: Biocentre 2, seminar room 2012, Viikinkaari 5

Wednesday 10th, 14:15

Plant Club

1415 Pinky Dutta, Department of Microbiology

Trans-replication of Potato virus X in planta

1435 Margaretta Christita, Organismal and Evolutionary Biology Research Programme

Arabidopsis Interaction with Phylloplane Resident Yeast of The Genus Taphrina

Location: Biocentre 2, seminar room 2012, Viikinkaari 5

Thursday 18th, 14:00-16:00

ViPS science fair

Location: Biocentre 3, 2nd floor foyer, Viikinkaari 1

Wednesday 24th - Thursday 25th

NordPlant kick-off event

Location: Korona Infocentre, lecture room 2, Viikinkaari 11

Friday 26th, 14:30

Wine-Science Seminar

Linda Kooijmans, Wageningen University, The Netherlands (visiting researcher)

Understanding photosynthesis with carbonyl sulfide and fluorescence

Room 341, 3rd floor, Forest Sciences Building, Latokartanonkaari 7