Events in November

Events in November 2023

Wednesday 15th November, 13:00

Invited Plant Seminar

Stéphanie Robert, Umeå Plant Science Centre, Sweden

Adding a piece to the leaf epidermis puzzle: Towards a better understanding of cell shape acquisition

Host: Anna Happonen

Location: Lecture room B7, Forest Science building, Latokartanonkaari 7-9

Wednesday 15th November, 14:00

Plant Club

14:15 James Ord, OEB, Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences

How messy is the methylome?: Within-sample heterogeneity in Arabidopsis

14:35 Munan Lyu, OEB, Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences

The dynamic and diverse nature of parenchyma cells in Arabidopsis root during secondary development

14:55 Maija Pollari, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry

A ribonucleoprotein complex assembled at the tip secures the integrity of potyvirus particles

Host: Anna Happonen

Location: Lecture room B7, Forest Science building, Latokartanonkaari 7-9

Thursday 30th November, 10:00

Special Plant Club seminar

Robertas Ursache, Center for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG), Barcelona, Spain

Suberinteresting role of GELP proteins

Host: PhDoc Society at the Center of Excellence in Tree Biology

Location: Seminar room 5405, Biocentre 3, Viikinkaari 1

Thursday 30th November, 15:00

Special Plant Club seminar

Robert Czajkowski, University of Gdansk, Poland

Insights from the interaction of lytic bacteriophages and Soft Rot Pectobacteriaceae bacteria – the story about phage resistance and its ecological consequences

Host: Minna Pirhonen

Location: Seminar room 340, Forest Sciences building, Latokartanonkaari 7