Events in March

ViPS events in March 2017

Friday 3rd, 14:00

Wine-Science Seminar

Ville Kasurinen & Frank Berninger

Estimation of Evapotranspiration trends from long term hydrological time series

Room 332, 3rd floor, Forest Sciences Building, Latokartanonkaari 7

Monday 6th, 12:00-14:00

Seminar on tree water and carbon relations

Lecture room 7, Viikki B building, Latokartanonkaari 7-9

More information

Wednesday 8th, 13:15

Special Invited Plant Seminar

Alisdair Fernie, Max Planck Golm, Germany

Towards functional metabolomics

Seminar room 2012, Biocentre 2, Viikinkaari 5

Host: Jaakko Kangasjärvi

Monday 13th, 13:30-16:00

Exploring Fungal Functioning in Ecosystems

Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) Savotta, 2nd floor, Viikki

More information

Wednesday 15th, 13:15

Invited Plant Seminar

Menachem Moshelion, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Cellular mechanisms controlling plants water management: risk taking strategies under uncertain environment

Lecture room 4, Viikki B building, Latokartanonkaari 7-9

Host: Alan Schulman

Wednesday 15th, 14:15

Plant Club

Omid Safronov, Department of Biosciences

Molecular and biochemical signature in birch bark

Juan Alonso Serra, Department of Biosciences and Institute of Biotechnology

Dissecting birch development: wood and bark features of a successful tree species

Melis Kucukoglu, Department of Biosciences and Institute of Biotechnology

Which genes allow a tree "to grow as a tree"? - Molecular regulation of cambium activity and wood formation

Viikki B building, lecture room 4 (Latokartanonkaari 7-9)

Wednesday 29th, 09:00-14:00

Seminar on Forest Pathology

Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) Savotta & Riihi, 2nd floor, Viikki

More information

Friday 31st, 14:00

Wine-Science Seminar

Gabriel Katul, Duke University, USA

Evapotranspiration: From kinetic theory to the limits of plant life

Room 332, 3rd floor, Forest Sciences Building, Latokartanonkaari 7