Events in March

ViPS events in March 2020

Wednesday 4th, 10:00-11:30

Seminar on Biodiversity Research at LuKe


Jukka Forsman, Forest biodiversity – potential implications for wildlife health

Taina Pennanen, Value of fungal diversity for forest trees and soils

Raisa Mäkipää, What dead wood microbiota contributes to soil biodiversity?

Location: Natural Resources Institute (Luke), Latokartanonkaari 9, Helsinki, meeting room Riihi & Savotta

For visitors to LuKe, meet at 09:45 in the 2nd floor lobby of Viikki B-building (Latokartanonkaari 7), in front of LuKe’s KIRJAAMO

Wednesday 11th, 13:15

Invited Plant Seminar

Marcel Jansen, University College Cork National University of Ireland, Cork, Ireland

Plant UV-B sensing; is it all about UV?

Hosts: Matt Robson & Pedro Aphalo

Location: Seminar room 1015, Biocentre 2, Viikinkaari 5

Wednesday 11th, 14:15

Plant Club

1415 Matti Salmela, LuKe, Natural Resources Institute Finland

Below- vs. aboveground genetic differentiation along a latitudinal gradient: parallels and disparities in tree populations

1435 Saara Hartikainen, OEB/Institute of Biotechnology/Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences

Changes in solar irradiance and spectral composition in forest stands during canopy flush and their influence for leaf UV-A absorbance and flavonoids of understorey species

Location: Seminar room 1015, Biocentre 2, Viikinkaari 5

Friday 13th, 14:00

Wine & Science Seminar

Bartosz Adamczyk, Natural Resources Institute, Finland (LuKe)

Dynamics of pine needle carbohydrate concentrations and carbon isotope ratios under dry climate of Southern Siberia – effect of the use of starch reserves and needle class age

Yu Tang, Natural Resources Institute, Finland (LuKe)

Climate signal in stable carbon isotope ratios of pine needle sugars

Location: Seminar room 332, Forest Sciences building, Latokartanonkaari 7