Events in January

Events in January 2024

Wednesday 17th January, 13:00

Invited Plant Seminar

Jeffrey Ross-Ibarra, University of California, Davis, USA

Admixture, alleles, and the origins of maize

Host: Tanja Pyhäjärvi

Location: Seminar room 228, Lab building, Koetilantie 5

Wednesday 17th January, 14:15

Plant Club

14:15 Jere Vainio, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry

Substrate spesificity of petunia dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFRA)

14:35 Steven Taniwan, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry

The missing enzyme of the Scots pine pinosylvin pathway

Host: Tanja Pyhäjärvi

Location: Seminar room 228, Lab building, Koetilantie 5

Friday 19th January, 10:15

Special plant seminar

Gerardo Puopolo, University of Trento, Italy

Volatile-mediated inhibitory activity of the biocontrol agent Lysobacter capsici AZ78

Host: Kristiina Mäkinen

Location: Seminar room 168, Viikki A building, Latokartanonkaari 7-9

Friday 19th January, 10:45

Special plant seminar

Sabrina Sarrocco, University of Pisa, Italy

Biocontrol of Fusarium Head Blight of wheat

Host: Kristiina Mäkinen

Location: Seminar room 168, Viikki A building, Latokartanonkaari 7-9

Friday 19th January, 13:15

Thesis defence

Iman Hadizadeh, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry & AGFOREE

Response of potato tubers to biocontrol agent and soft rot pathogen Dickeya solani: transcriptional regulation and hormone interactions

Opponent: Gerardo Puopolo, University of Trento, Italy

Location: Auditorium B2, Forest Science building, Latokartanonkaari 7-9

Wednesday 31st January, 14:00

Special plant seminar

Markku Keinänen, University of Eastern Finland

Diurnal and day-to-day variation of chlorophyll a fluorescence induction in northern and southern silver birch provenances

Host: Albert Porcar-Castell

Location: Lecture room B6, Forest Science building, Latokartanonkaari 7-9