Friday 7th, 10:00
Special Plant Seminar
Ana Caño Delgado, Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG), Barcelona, Spain
Spatial Control of Brassinosteroids during Drought Stress Adaptation in Plants
Host: Ykä Helariutta
Location: Seminar room B7, Forest Sciences Building, Latokartanonkaari 7
Friday 7th, 12 noon
Thesis defence
Jungok Heo (Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Institute of Biotechnology & ILS)
A Spatio-Temporal Understanding of the Arabidopsis Root Development
Opponent: Ana Cano Delgado, Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG), Barcelona, Spain
Location: Walter auditorium, EE building, Agnes Sjöberginkatu 2
Wednesday 12th, 13:15
Invited Plant Seminar
George Coupland, Max Planck Institute, Cologne, Germany
Mechanisms conferring seasonal flowering responses in annual and perennial plants
Host: Timo Hytönen
Location: Seminar room B4, Forest Sciences Building, Latokartanonkaari 7-9
Wednesday 12th, 14:15
Plant Club
1415 Javier Andres Jimenez, Faculty of Agriculture & Forestry
Regulation of vegetative and generative growth in woodland strawberry
1435 Riikka Mäkilä, OEB/Institute of Biotechnology/Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences
Hormonal regulation of wood development
1455 Chang Su, OEB/Institute of Biotechnology/Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences
Strigolactones regulation of tree architecture
Location: Seminar room B4, Forest Sciences Building, Latokartanonkaari 7-9
Friday 28th, 14:00-15:15
Wine Science Seminars
1400-1440 Steffen Grebe, University of Turku, Finland
Winter acclimation of the photosynthetic apparatus in Norway spruce
1440-1510 Shari Van Wittenberghe, University of Helsinki
Do we overestimate photosynthetic capacity? Physical insights on light regulation by the antenna
Location: Seminar room 340, Forest Sciences Building, Latokartanonkaari 7-9