Events in August

ViPS events in August 2022

Monday 15th, 13:15

Special plant seminar

Juan Alonso-Serra, INRAE – ENS de Lyon, France

Mechanotransduction during the formation of meristem boundaries

Host: Ari-Pekka Mähönen

Location: Seminar room 1402, Biocentre 3, Viikinkaari 1

Thursday 18th, 10:00

Thesis defence

Chi-Chuan Chen (Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences & DPPS)

On the phylogeny and diversity of the microsoroid ferns (Polypodiaceae)

Opponent: Curator Leon Perrie, Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, New Zealand

Custos: Jaakko Hyvönen

Location: Lecture hall K1088, Viikki Info Centre, Viikinkaari 11

Friday 19th, 12:00

Thesis defence

Mengxia Liu (Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry & DPPS)

Identification of molecular and chemical markers that correlate with conifer resistance against root and stem decay pathogens (Heterobasidion annosum s.l.)

Opponent: Luis Sampedro, Grupo de Xenética e Ecoloxía Forestal Misión Biolóxica de Galicia Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Spain

Custos: Fred Asiegbu

Location: Lecture hall B3, Viikki B building, Latokartanonkaari 7-9, and remotely via Zoom