Become a member

Are you interested in joining us?

Membership in ViPS offers the chance for closer collaboration with ViPS research groups, participation in education, seminars, teaching, excursions and the annual meeting, as well as links to infrastructure.

Send a free-form application letter to the ViPS office (vips-office(at) outlining how you fulfil the following criteria. Applications will be processed on a regular basis.
  • You have your own research group with PI (principal investigator) status

    OR the equivalent

  • You are the main supervisor of a master’s student and/or doctoral candidate

    OR you are willing to supervise such students

  • You hold a docentship or the equivalent teaching and supervision experience

    (University of Helsinki staff only)

  • You have/have had in the last three years your own competitive funding

  • You are active in the local and international research communities and

    are willing to contribute to the ViPS research community