3 December 2024: Our grouo member Jesse Soininen was awarded by the Master thesis Helsinki prize for his thesis Estimating urban carbon uptake using carbonyl sulfide fluxes as a tracer. Congratulations!
14 June 2024: Our research project GHUGS on improving our understanding on urban vegetation and soil GHG emissions (2024-2028) was funded by the Research Council of Finland
31 Jan 2024: Today was the last day in our group of recently defended M. Havu who moved to work as apostdoc to MeteoFrance
28 Aug - 1 Sep 2023: Our group participated to the International Conference in Urban Climate with several presentations. See abstracts from https://icuc11.com/
31 Aug 2023: Our group member PhD Joyson Ahongshangbam had his last day with us. All the best for the future at the McGill University!
7 Aug 2023: Our group leader Leena Järvi was interviewed YLE news on topic "City requested birdhouses to all trees, but nearly all trees were cut-down – at the same time their shadows disappeared", https://yle.fi/a/74-20043795, morning and evening news in TV
12 June 2023: CO-CARBON project led by our group leader Leena Järvi got positive funding decision from the Strategic Research Council of 2.6 Me. This allows us to continue to measure and model urban carbon sequestration