Eco-Viikki was the first ecological residental area in Finland. It was build between 1999-2004. Now KEMUT-project studies if the area has supported sustainability transformations. The first results are about energy and heat consumpition. The consumption of energy was slightly higher in Eco-Viikki than in the comparison area (Herttoniemenranta, Helsinki). However, the heat consumption was lower compared to Herttoniemenranta and the average consumption in Finland. Nevertheless, Eco-Viikki did not reach the target level for heat consumption.
Sirkku Juhola, the leader of Urban Environmental Policy research group, comments that current results do not give reasons for the observed consumption levels. We still need more information about the habits and everyday activities of the residents. Researchers continue analysing the materials.
More about current state of the project and future directions can be read from University of Helsinki news article (in Finnish): Kestävä kaupunki – mitä palkitun Eko-Viikin toteutuksesta voidaan oppia?