The PI of the research group, Dr.Soc.Sci Laura Kemppainen, works as a university researcher in the CoE AgeCare. Her research expertise is in migration studies, Russian studies, sociology of health and mixed methods. She has gained experience in project management as the PI in the project Crossing Borders for Health and Well-being (Kone Foundation 2017–2019), which studies medical travel around the Baltic Sea. Her work has been published in leading journals in social sciences, such as Sociology, Social Science & Medicine, The Sociological Review and the Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. She is also author of a book published by Routledge.
Inna Perheentupa (PhD) investigates in this project the conceptions of health and illness among the Russian-speaking population in Finland, and what kind of strategies they have in connection to gaining and maintaining good health. Inna holds a PhD in sociology (2019, University of Turku). Her doctoral dissertation is an ethnographic study on feminist politics in contemporary neoconservative Russia. Her research interest include sociology of health, civic activism, everyday politics, gender studies, as well as ethnographic and creative methods.
Veera Koskinen (PhD) works as a researcher at the Faculty of Social Sciences. Her expertise is in sociology of health and wellness, sociology of consumption and social gerontology. In this project, Koskinen examines health and wellness-related travel with particular focus on older adults perceptions and experiences. She is also in charge of collecting data on Finnish and Estonian spa tourists. Her current research interests are related to different conceptualizations and practices of health and wellness in contemporary consumer culture.
MSc Young-Kyu Shin is a doctoral candidate in Sociology in the University of Helsinki. He has academic degrees from the London School of Economics and Seoul National University. His PhD research on precarious workers’ union membership and social policy preferences will be finished in 2020. He has published in the Journal of European Social Policy and Social Policy & Administration. Young-Kyu Shin is specialised in survey methods and quantitative analysis, which will be of great value to the project.