This link leads to recent publications by members of the TRAST team. As the list is based on keywords, it includes translation-related publications by members of other teams as well.
Huotari, Léa 2021. Effet du prototype sur le changement de sujet en traduction : Étude d’un corpus bidirectionnel littéraire français⇄finnois
Leden, Laura 2021. [Adapation of girlhood: Confirming and breaking of norms in girls in girls’ books translated from English to Swedish and Finnish between 1945–1965]
Westerlund, Hanna 2020. [Insights into collocation: arrival of the EU Finnish term toimenpide [’measure’] in legal terminology]
Virtanen, Taru 2019. What makes a government translator tick?: Examining the Finnish government English translators’ perceptions of translator status, job satisfaction and the underlying factors
Päivärinne, Meri 2018. Jean Barbeyrac, traducteur et homme de lettres
Tallberg-Nygård, Manuela 2017. [Semiospheres over Helsinki: intracultural and intercultural translation of Kjell Westö’s novel quartet]
Koponen, Maarit 2016. Machine Translation Post-editing and Effort: Empirical Studies on the Post-editing Process
Walker, Larry 2015. Unbinding the Japanese Novel in English translation: The Alfred A. Knopf Program, 1955-1977
Hirvonen, Maija 2014. Multimodal Representation and Intermodal Similarity: Cues of Space in the Audio Description of Film
Pekkanen, Hilkka 2010. The Duet between the Author and the Translator: An Analysis of Style through Shifts in Literary Translation