Recent research

This page displays recent research by the TRAST research community and latest PhD dissertations.

This link leads to recent publications by members of the TRAST team. As the list is based on keywords, it includes translation-related publications by members of other teams as well.

PhD dissertations since 2010

Huotari, Léa 2021. Effet du prototype sur le changement de sujet en traduction : Étude d’un corpus bidirectionnel littéraire français⇄finnois

Leden, Laura 2021. [Adapation of girlhood: Confirming and breaking of norms in girls in girls’ books translated from English to Swedish and Finnish between 1945–1965]

Westerlund, Hanna 2020. [Insights into collocation: arrival of the EU Finnish term toimenpide [’measure’] in legal terminology]

Virtanen, Taru 2019. What makes a government translator tick?: Examining the Finnish government English translators’ perceptions of translator status, job satisfaction and the underlying factors

Päivärinne, Meri 2018. Jean Barbeyrac, traducteur et homme de lettres

Tallberg-Nygård, Manuela 2017. [Semiospheres over Helsinki: intracultural and intercultural translation of Kjell Westö’s novel quartet]

Jukko, Risto 2016. Culture, Translation, and Intertextuality: An Exploratory Rereading of Cultural-Religious Southern Elements in William Faulkner’s Light in August and its Translations in Finnish 

Koponen, Maarit 2016. Machine Translation Post-editing and Effort: Empirical Studies on the Post-editing Process

Walker, Larry 2015. Unbinding the Japanese Novel in English translation: The Alfred A. Knopf Program, 1955-1977

Hirvonen, Maija 2014. Multimodal Representation and Intermodal Similarity: Cues of Space in the Audio Description of Film

Pekkanen, Hilkka 2010. The Duet between the Author and the Translator: An Analysis of Style through Shifts in Literary Translation