Gender performativity in community interpreting.
Sirkka Ahokas writes her Ph.D. dissertation on the following topic: Definitions of Concepts in Finnish and Russian Statutes — Is It Possible to Model the Frame of a Legal Concept?
Suvi Korpi’s doctoral dissertation topic is Generic Fluency in the Translation of Science Fiction (SF) Texts.
Zita Kóbor-Laitinen's research interests include translation, linguistics, multimodality, and sign languages. Her Ph.D. project is Multimodality and Communicative Balance in Interaction Situations in which Written, Spoken and Sign Languages are Simultaneously Present.
Fon's research interests include strategies for intercultural communication, multilingual communities, power asymmetry, and multimodal communication (CA methodology). Her Ph.D. project's working title is When Necessity and Tradition Collide: Language Practices for Diversity and Inclusion in Student Associations at Aalto University.
Merja Nivala is working on a Ph.D. on the French pronoun on and its equivalents in the Finnish language. In addition, she works in the Translation of J.A. Ehrenström’s Correspondence project, funded by the Finnish Cultural Foundation.
Mira Nyholm is working on a Ph.D. on Somatic Phrases, Their Cognitive Meanings, and Their Translation in Fiction.
Annukka Saarenmaa examines the interpreter's communicative power and the construction of a linguistic negotiation relationship between the interpreter, the migrant and the service provider in an interpreted trialogue. She reflects on the nature of communicative power and the interpreter's possibility to have an influence on the migrant's social participation. The study focuses on Estonian migrant workers who use Finnish public services via a public service interpreter.
In her doctoral dissertation, Mari Vainikka analyses the quality of interpreting and interpreters’ strategies in lingua franca interpreting involving English or French.
Kaisa Vitikainen is working on a Ph.D. on Intralingual Subtitling (subtitling for the Deaf and the Hard of Hearing, SDH), with a Focus on Live Subtitling and Respeaking.