
Below you may find up-to-date information on the events of Mannerheim Working Group.
11.02.2025. Revolutionize Your Research: AI/LLM-Powered Analysis and Russian Studies

A Hands-On Workshop in the Margins of the 2025 Finnish National Defence University’s Russia Seminar

Are you ready to transform how we approach research in Russian studies? We invite you to join an innovative, interactive workshop that will show you how to use cutting-edge tools like Large Language Models (LLMs) to enhance and accelerate your research process—while maintaining academic rigor and transparency.

This event is a unique opportunity to explore exciting, hands-on applications of AI-driven methodologies tailored specifically to Russia-related research topics. It will be led by the two principal investigators of the large, multi-year RuBase research program led by Dr. Adam Stulberg, Chair and Professor, Sam Nunn School of International AffairsGeorgia Tech (Atlanta, Georgia, USA) and Stephan De Spiegeleire, Principal Scientist, The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies (HCSS) and TNO, The Hague, The Netherlands. The workshop is designed for students and professionals eager to push the boundaries of traditional methods in Russian studies. 

What You'll Learn

Through a real-world case study examining Russia's self-perceived military strengths and weaknesses (click here to explore the interactive app), you'll discover how to:

  • Harness bibliographical RAGs for more efficient and comprehensive literature reviews
  • Create sophisticated taxonomies (ways of structuring research topics) using AI assistance
  • Build and manage (multi-lingual) research corpora effectively
  • Apply AI tools to classify and analyze text at scale
  • Integrate these cutting-edge methods into your own research

Why Attend?

  • Get exclusive insights into innovative research methodologies
  • See practical applications of AI in Russian studies
  • Learn from researchers actively using these tools in peer-reviewed and policy-applied work
  • Network with colleagues exploring similar methodological frontiers
  • Gain hands-on experience with tools you can immediately apply to your research 

Read more about this event here.