Presentations of TEdu research group members in a national ITK conference in Finland

The research projects and results of TEdu are again nicely present at the Interactive Technology in Education conferences in Aulanko, Finland at Marc 21-23.

Our presentations in ITK conference (unfortunately all are in Finnish):

Ilomäki, L. & Lakkala, M. Virtuality challenges teachers and students (Virtuaalisuus haastaa opettajan ja opiskelijan). Forum presentation.

- We present results about teachers and students experiences of virtual teaching and learning.

Alamettälä T., Hämäläinen E., Ilomäki L., Kiili C. & Lakkala M. Ideas for teaching online inquiry skills - experiences from teaching experiments (Ideoita nettilukutaitojen opettamiseen - kokemuksia opetuskokeiluista). Workshop.

- The workshop includes models and experiences, e.g., from the ARONI project.

Fagerholm F., Harjula V.-M., Kallunki V., Lakkala M., Männistö T., Pulkkinen S.-A., Salmela-Aro K., Tervaniemi M. & Toom A. Tools and methods for supporting the learning of global competencies (Työkaluja ja menetelmiä globaalien kompetenssien oppimisen tukemiseen). Poster presentation.

- The poster presents first reflection instruments and ideas for application from the dLearn.Helsinki project.