">Venue: Konsistorin Sali, University Main Building, Fabianinkatu 33, 2nd floor, Helsinki
Speakers' Abstracts and Presentations
Registration (Deadline 12 April 2017)
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The aim of the conference is twofold: (1) to find solutions to the overarching question of how transport could be more resource efficient and have less negative impact on the environment; and (2) to answer the question of the role of transport, and in particular carriage of goods, in the transformation to a circular economy.
The current transformation to a circular economy focuses upon the life cycle of products, including aspects like production, design, materials and waste of goods, leaving the negative impact of transport aside.
However, in order to make efficient decisions, politicians, stakeholders and, in particular, the actors in the supply chain should be informed about the role transport plays in the international supply chain and also in the transformation to a circular economy. Research on the role of transport in the transformation to a circular economy is thus needed.
The overarching goal is to develop a resource efficient transport system that respects the environment. For this, we need technical solutions, such as cleaner and quieter means of transport. This is, however, not the only relevant approach, we also need a behavioural change in the transport industry. Tools are therefore required to promote a shift in the decision-making process that will enable the logistics service providers to choose environmentally friendly transport solutions, particularly as regards modes of transport (or a combination of these), routes of transport as well as, for example, the avoidance of half empty or empty loads. The key word for enabling the logistics service providers to make the right choices is information.
The call for papers invites contributions addressing questions related to the conference topic: Sustainable and Efficient Transport Systems: The Role of Transport in the transformation to a Sustainable Circular Economy.
The InterTran Research Group for Sustainable Business and Law, University of Helsinki and Aalto University School of Business in collaboration with the SMART project, University of Oslo welcomes proposals for papers to be presented at the international conference on Sustainable and Efficient Transport Systems – The Role of Transport in the Sustainable Circular Economy.
The conference is open to scholars with a research interest in Sustainable Circular Economy, Green Transport and Cargo Transport Planning. The conference will include papers presented by invited participants as well as papers selected in the course of this call.
Proposals for papers should deal with questions related to the overall theme of the conference. Authors of accepted papers will be invited to present their work at one of the following sessions:
1) The role of Transport in the Green Circular Economy
2) Creating a Green Transport Market
3) Utilizing Environmental Data to promote Green Transport
Among the speakers: Prof. Rosa Greaves, Universities of Glasgow and Oslo, Prof. Erik Røsæg, University of Oslo, Prof. María Jesús Muñoz-Torres, Jaume I University, Castellón, Spain, Prof. Jukka Mähönen, University of Oslo, Prof. Beate Sjåfjell, University of Oslo and Prof. Kai Kokko, University of Helsinki.
Selected papers will be invited to participate in a peer reviewed publication.
Proposals should be submitted by the 1st of February 2017 to: and include: an abstract (maximum 500 words) with a title, the author(s)´s name(s) and affiliation(s), a biographical note and contact information.
Authors will be informed of the final decision by the 1st of March 2017. The choice of proposals will seek to ensure a balanced representation of the various aspects of the conference theme.
Konsistorin Sali, University Main Building, Fabianinkatu 33, 2nd floor, Helsinki
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Helsinki Airport is located only 19 km from the centre of the city. A train connection to the city centre is running every 10 minutes with a travel time less than 30 minutes. There is also a regular airport bus running every 20 minutes between the airport and the city centre and several local buses bring more options for visitors. Ordinary taxis and low-cost airport taxis are easily available as well.
Compact in size, Helsinki is easy to move around in. Practically everything – hotels, restaurants, cafes, shops and sights – is within a walking distance.
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