Currently the main research themes include endoplasmic reticulum homeostasis and stress signalling and the structural and biochemical interaction studies on the role of MANF and CDNF neurotrophic factors in the ER and interaction with IRE1 and PERK and heat shock proteins. Other main interests currently involve understanding the function and role of factor H and other complement proteins in Alzheimer's disease and regulation of synaptic loss, we have long standing interests in understanding the function of the complement system (e.g Chernyaeva et al 2023, Bhattacharjee et al 2013, Kajander et al 2011).
Previously we have also worked on the family of neuronal leucine rich repeat synaptic adhesion proteins e.g. the SALM-family post-synaptic ahdesion proteins and their interactions with presynaptic protein receptor tyrosine phosphatases, and LRRTM interactions with neurexins and other neuronal adhesion proteins and other neuronal proteins (e.g Kim et al 2022, Karki et al 2022, Karki et al 2020, Paatero et al 2016, Kajander, Kuja-Panula et al 2011). We also collaborate on various other targets on protein structure and X-ray crystallography and on other biophysical studies of proteins through the crystallization biomolecular interactiosn core facilities, and our expertise.