
Here is the list of current RADAR group members.
Raul Hakli

Raul Hakli is a university researcher in practical philosophy and co-leader of the RADAR group. He obtained a PhD in theoretical philosophy in 2010 and a title of docent in practical philosophy in 2020, both from University of Helsinki. He also has a MSc degree in computer science (1997) from University of Helsinki. He has worked on epistemology, logic, social ontology, and philosophy of action. He spent his post doc period (2013-2015) in Aarhus University, Denmark, in the research group led by Johanna Seibt studying what was to be called robophilosophy. During that period he applied his ideas in social ontology and collective intentionality to philosophical problems of social robotics and human-robot interaction. He was also one of the organizers of the first Robophilosophy conference in 2014. After his return to Helsinki, he started collaborating on these themes with Pekka Mäkelä and eventually with others, thereby forming the RADAR group. Presently, he is co-leader of the RADAR group together with Pekka Mäkelä.

Pekka Mäkelä

Pekka Mäkelä is a research coordinator in the Helsinki Institute for Social Sciences and Humanities (HSSH) at the University of Helsinki. His research interests are in normative dimensions of collective and social action, e.g. collective responsibility and trust, social ontology, the philosophy of the social sciences, and philosophical problems of social robotics and human-robot interaction. He has been a visiting fellow at the Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics and ANU, Canberra, Australia, and he has also taught as an adjunct teacher at FSU, Florida, USA.  His publications include "The collectivist approach to collective moral responsibility" (with Seumas Miller,  Metaphilosophy, 2005), “Collective Agents and Moral Responsibility” (Journal of Social Philosophy, 2007), Trust: Analytic and Applied Perspectives (ed. With Cynthia Townley, VIBS, RoDoPi, 2013), “Group Agents and Their Responsibility (with Raimo Tuomela, Journal of Ethics, 2016), "A realist account of the ontology of impairment" (with Simo Vehmas, Journal of Medical Ethics, 2008), and “Moral Responsibility of Robots and Hybrid Agents” (with Raul Hakli, The Monist 2019). Presently, he is co-leader of the RADAR group together with Raul Hakli. 

Dane Leigh Gogoshin

Dane Leigh Gogoshin received her M.A. in philosophy and cognitive science at the University of Houston. She is currently a doctoral researcher in Practical Philosophy at the University of Helsinki where she is working on a critique of the moral responsibility system and studying ways in which we can exercise and improve our moral and rational agency. She is especially interested in applying her discoveries to the domain of artifical agents. She taught philosophy for several years at the Houston Community College and worked as a professional composer and musician before beginning her Ph.D.

Tomi Kokkonen

Tomi Kokkonen is a post-doctoral researcher with a background in philosophy of science (especially biological, biomedical, behavioural, and cognitive sciences) with additional interests in philosophy of mind, philosophy of technology, and metaethics. His main interests lie in a naturalistic understanding of the human mind and morality, their evolution, and how this understanding may be used as a guide to their artificial creation and/or simulation. His doctoral thesis (University of Helsinki, 2021) discussed evolutionary explanations of human social behaviour. He is also interested in the ethical and social aspects of advanced technologies, as well as issues concerning interdisciplinarity that arise from integrating knowledge produced by different fields which are relevant to the above-mentioned topics. His current research focuses on the evolution of morality, artificial moral agents, and importing lessons from the former to the latter.

Kamil Mamak

Kamil Mamak is a philosopher and a lawyer. He is a postdoctoral researcher at the RADAR group at the University of Helsinki and an assistant professor at the Department of Criminal Law at the Jagiellonian University. He is also a Member of the Board of the Cracow Institute of Criminal Law. He holds PhDs in law (2018) from Jagiellonian University and philosophy (2020) from the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow. He has authored 3 book monographs and more than 30 peer-reviewed journal articles and contributed chapters. His works were published in the leading Polish law journals and international journals, including the European Journal of Criminology, Medicine, Healthcare, and Philosophy, Science and Engineering Ethics, Frontiers in Robotics and AI. He received a research grant from the National Science Center in Poland. Kamil’s current research focuses on the ethical and legal issues concerning social robots.  He is especially interested in robots' moral and legal status, robot rights, responsibility gap, laws of robots, and human-robot interactions.


Olli Niinivaara

Olli Niinivaara is a doctoral researcher in computer science. He is specializing in feedback systems where machine outputs may have influence on subsequent user inputs (for example, a search engine ranking algorithm may have influence on what information gets represented and how). Relevant research areas include human-agent teamscomputational social choicerecommender systems, and incentive-centered design. Currently, he is developing an intelligent agent that is able to facilitate group meetings and support teams in task assignment.

Pii Telakivi

Pii Telakivi is a post-doctoral researcher with a background in contemporary philosophy of mind. She received her PhD in theoretical philosophy at the University of Helsinki in 2020. Her dissertation focuses on extended, embodied cognition and consciousness. Her current research connects the extended mind hypothesis to the philosophy of artificial intelligence and robotics, with particular attention to questions about the use of AI systems in healthcare and psychiatry. She is also an editor of the philosophical magazine niin & näin.


Tuomas Vesterinen

Tuomas Vesterinen is a doctoral researcher concentrated on philosophy of science with additional interests in philosophy of mind and anthropology. His dissertation in philosophy is about classification and explanation of psychiatric disorders. Tuomas has also conducted fieldwork in Italy on clinical practice, and in West-Africa on conceptions of health and disease. He is interested in employing his conceptual and empirical findings to analyse how artificial intelligence and robotics can be responsibly implemented in healthcare and psychiatry. 

Petri Ylikoski

Petri Ylikoski is a philosopher of science interested in foundational issues of social science methodology and naturalistic study of science as a social phenomenon. He is Professor in Science and Technology Studies and vice dean in the Faculty of Social Sciences in University of Helsinki. He is the coordinating professor of the Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence (FCAI) Research Program R7 "AI in Society", which focuses on social and ethical dimensions of AI. It deals both with the preconditions of trustworthy and socially acceptable AI and the consequences of uses of AI. The program brings together AI research and human sciences to better understand how AI works in organizations and society. He is also the leader of the DataLit project, which is an interdisciplinary collaboration between social science, law, and computer science that develops understandable and trustworthy practices for utilizing Finnish health, social, and welfare data. The collaborating partners include many national public data authorities and organisations.

RADAR Alumni

Here is the list of former RADAR members.

Dina Babushkina

Dr Dina Babushkina is an Assistant Professor in Philosophy (technology and society) at BMS Faculty (Section of Philosophy) at the University of Twente. Dina holds a PhD in Social Sciences (majoring in Ethics) from the University of Helsinki and a PhD in Philosophy (majoring in History of Philosophy) from the University of Saint-Petersburg. Her doctoral research focused on moral psychology, normative ethics, and Ethical Idealism. In the period 2018-2020, Dina started teaching Ethics of AI as an applied philosophy subject in its own right and worked in the projects “Ethical Actions by Robots”, “Towards Responsible AI” and “Ethical Risks and Responsibility of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (ERRoR AI)” (University of Helsinki). She has been researching ethical problems arising from the employment of robots and AI in society and the medical sector. She has been Visiting Academic at the University of Oxford (2015-16, 2018) and as of 2021 she is Visiting Fellow at Helsinki University’s RADAR group. Dina’s current research focus remains on the ethics of AI. More specifically,  she works on the questions of responsibility, trust, and respect; moral decision making (including programming morality to AI); moral agency and autonomy; artificial identity and artificial agency; and epistemo-ethical questions. She is especially interested in the ways in which AI transforms our moral concepts, moral and inter-personal practices, our relationship to ourselves, as well as in normative constraints on such transformations. Aside from philosophy, Dina has computer programming skills (Python, NetLogo) and practices Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and kickboxing.