
During the Autumn of 2024, REC organizes talks given by REC group members and what we call flexi slots. They are all on Thursday at 10:15 (at 10:00 a coffee/tea break to chat with colleagues) and hybrid, via Zoom and in Biocentre 3.

REC seminar talks are given by REC research group members in their past, present and future research. Talks will cover a large spectrum of different topics related to ecology and evolutionary biology.

Flexi slots are well described by their name: they are slots with varying contents, such as workshops, journal clubs and other research-related activities.

The person giving a REC talk or hosting a flexi slot will act as the chair in the next seminar and send a reminder email to the REC group's mailing list a couple of days before the actual seminar.

Autumn 2024


Date Type of seminar  Speaker Room
5th Sep Talk Liam Singer - Computational tools to quantify biodiversity 1401
12th Sep Talk Juho Kökkö 1401
19th Sep Talk Bastien Parisy 1401
26th Sep Talk Emy Guilbault 1401
3rd Oct Flexi slot Jarno Vanhatalo 1401
10th Oct Talk Patrick Heidbreder 1401
17th Oct Talk Sara Leino 1401
24th Oct Talk Emilie Ellis 6602
31st Oct Talk Jean-Baptiste Floc'h 6602
7th Nov Talk Ulla Riihimäki 6602
14th Nov Talk Arthur Rodrigues 6602
21st Nov Talk Guest: Veera Norros (Syke) 6602
28th Nov Talk Sonja Saine 6602
5th Dec Talk Natalie van Dis 6602
12th Dec Talk Linyang Sun 6602