
The REC consists of four Principal Investigators, their research groups and other affiliated researchers. Seven postdoctoral researchers in the core team work directly with REC funding.
Professor Anna-Liisa Laine - Director

Professor of Plant Biodiversity, University of Helsinki

Office: 5616 (Biocenter 3)

Anna-Liisa Laine is an evolutionary ecologist who specialises in interspecific interactions - especially pathogens and parasites - and epidemiology.

Professor Jarno Vanhatalo - Deputy Director

Professor of Statistics - Group Leader

Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Science (Kumpula campus)
Organismal and Evolutionary Biology Research Program, Faculty of Bio- and Environmental Sciences (Viikki Kampus)

Office: D313 (Exactum building, Kumpula) and 5717 (Biocenter 3, Viikki)
E-mail: jarno.vanhatalo(a)
Phone: +358 50 3175494

Jarno Vanhatalo is a statistician who specialises in developing Bayes methods and computational solutions to the analysis of long-term datasets.

Professor Tomas Roslin - PI

SLU, Sweden, and University of Helsinki

Professor Tomas Roslin is a community ecologist who specialises in the response of species communities to landcape fragmentation, Arctic environments and environmental change.

Professor Marjo Saastamoinen - PI

Professor in Evolutionary Ecology

Office: 5715 (Biocenter 3)
Phone: + 358 50 448 4471

Marjo Saastamoinen is an evolutionary biologist who specialises in the stress biology of wild species.

  • Life history ecology & evolution
  • Dispersal
  • Genotype-phenotype association
  • Phenotypic plasticity
  • Ecological immunology
Irene Conenna - Project Planner

Office: 5617 (Biocenter 3)

Irene earned a PhD in Wildlife Biology from the University of Helsinki in 2021. In REC, she is in charge of tasks concerning database management, data visualisation, GIS and fieldwork coordination.

Laura Kukkonen - Project Coordinator

Office: 5617 (Biocenter 3)

Laura is in charge of financial and personnel administration, project management and research support.

Elina Kaarlejärvi - PI of NorEcoFun group

Office: 5601 (Biocenter 3)

Academy Research Fellow Elina Kaarlejärvi is a community ecologist studying how environmental changes and species interactions shape biodiversity and functioning of boreal forest and tundra systems. Her research group is affiliated with REC.

Laura Antão - Academy Research Fellow

Office: 5711 (Biocenter 3)

My main research interests are biodiversity, macroecology and global change. I am interested in biodiversity synthesis and biodiversity patterns, and how we can generalize information across taxa and habitats, and furthermore across scales. In my future research, I will examine patterns of biodiversity change using long-term data and large scale environmental drivers, such as climate and land-use.

Hanna Susi - University Researcher

Office: 5711 (Biocenter 3)

Hanna works in Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra funded project Biodiversity Solutions for Agriculture. In this project, the aim is to measure biodiversity of multiple taxonomic groups (microbes, invertebrates, birds, plants) in diverse farming systems and landscape configurations. In addition, Hanna investigates ecology and evolution in plant-microbe interactions.

  • Host-pathogen interactions
  • Plant ecology
  • Agroecology
  • Microbiome
Mikhail Shubin - University Researcher

Office: D318 (Exactum, Kumpula Campus)

I am a statistician and mathematical modeller working with ecological and epidemiological data. I'm interested in data visualization and philosophy of Statistics.

I'm currently working on marine biodiversity.

Elina Numminen - University Lecturer

I am a statistician and mathematical modeller working with ecological and epidemiological questions and applications. Currently I am especially interested in how to best collect and analyze data from nature to understand its dynamics and mechanisms, for instance how to design meaningful ecological monitoring studies.

Helena Wirta - Visiting Researcher


I am interested in ecological communities from various perspectives: what taxa they consist of, how are they structured, how they function and how did they form to what they are as well as how they change.

My research currently focuses on pollination communities. My main project examines honeybees and their interactions with microbes and flowers, assessing how these communities and interactions change and how they are formed, using DNA based identification.

Alyssa Cirtwill - Postdoctoral Researcher


My main research interests are how we can describe the ways species fit into ecological networks and what the network perspective can add to our understanding of ecology. I am currently investigating how phenological change in plants and insects affects pollination networks, including crops that we humans depend on. I am also interested in how we can draw better conclusions from messy and missing data.

Krista Raveala - Project Planner

Laine Lab
Office: 5617 (Biocenter 3)

I work in Anna-Liisa Laine’s group with the main focus on the ERC-funded “The Coevolutionary Consequences of Biodiversity Change” project. My variable tasks include organizing field work, managing data and assisting with publications. Occasionally I get to go to the field. Together with our technician Tinja we take care of many kinds of practicalities in the Laine lab.

Tinja Hyvönen - Research Technician

Laine Lab
Office: 5618 (Biocenter 3)

I work as a research technician mainly on the ERC-funded project “Coevolutionary Consequences of Biodiversity Change”. My work is very versatile and includes tasks in the greenhouse, laboratory and on the field. I also take care of chemical and equipment orders.

Andréa Davrinche - Postdoctoral Researcher

Laine Lab
Office: 5618 (Biocenter 3)

Functional and community ecologist with a background in ecophysiology, I am interested in understanding the role of diversity and species interactions in responses of individuals, species and communities to environmental pressures.

I am especially enthusiastic about all things plant, and questions around how variation and plasticity play into diversity-related processes. In REC, my work aims at understanding community dynamics through time and space, as well as investigating the biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationship in Finnish forests.

  • Community ecology
  • Functional ecology
  • Biodiversity - ecosystem functioning relationship
  • Plant ecology
Bastien Parisy - Postdoctoral Researcher

Laine Lab
Office: 5618 (Biocenter 3)

Jean-Baptiste Floc'h - Postdoctoral Researcher

Laine Lab
Office: 5618 (Biocenter 3)

Paula Thitz - Postdoctoral Researcher

Laine Lab
Office: 5618  (Biocenter 3)

Paula is interested in how vegetation diversity affects plant-invertebrate interactions and ecosystem functioning. In her current projects, she studies the effects of vegetation diversity and functional properties on soil fauna and aboveground arthropods in agroecosystems, and how the interactions between the two affect the functioning of these ecosystems. Additionally, she is interested in plant phenolic compounds (especially in boreal trees) and their bioactivity against abiotic and biotic stressors.

Sonja Saine - Postdoctoral Researcher

Laine Lab
Office: 5618 (Biocenter 3)

Tuuli Rissanen - Postdoctoral Researcher

Laine Lab
Office: 5618  (Biocenter 3)

My research interests focus on understanding how environmental drivers shape patterns in species distributions, community composition and diversity at different scales. Tundra and boreal plants are especially close to my heart but I'm also interested  in combining information across taxa and different ecosystems. 

  • Species-environment relationships
  • Spatial and temporal patterns
  • Biogeography
  • Biodiversity
Emy Guilbault - Postdoctoral Researcher

Environmental and Ecological Statistics Group
Office: 5619 (Biocenter 3)

I am a statistical ecologist with a background in Engineering in Agronomy - Ecosystems. My research interests are species distribution modelling, data quality aspects, and improving spatial and temporal predictions. I intend to combine conservation and species/communities aspects into species distribution modelling. On the field, I occasionally participate in bird ringing sessions!

During my postdoc at the REC, I will be analyzing ecological time-series datasets to understand how ecological communities and ecosystem functioning are changing over space and time across different habitats in response to climate change and human use of natural resources.

  • Species distribution models
  • Data quality
  • Spatio-temporal patterns
  • Environmental changes
  • Biodiversity
Liam Singer - Postdoctoral Researcher

Environmental and Ecological Statistics Group
Office: 5619 (Biocenter 3)

Nourhan Shafik - Postdoctoral Researcher

Environmental and Ecological Statistics Group
Office: Kumpula campus, A408 (Exactum)
Viikki campus, 5619 (Biocentre 3)

Nourhan is a postdoctoral researcher working on multivariate and time series analysis.

Perttu Anttonen - Postdoctoral Researcher

Environmental and Ecological Statistics Group

Office 5619 (Biocentre 3)

I am an ecologist who is interested in how climate and land use change affect biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships. I am especially interested in plant-insect interactions.

Sum Yi Lai - Postdoctoral Researcher

Environmental and Ecological Statistics Group
Office: 5619 (Biocentre 3)

Bess Hardwick - Scientific Coordinator

Spatial Food Web Ecology Group
Office: 5401a (Biocenter 3)

Emilie Ellis - Postdoctoral Researcher

Spatial Food Web Ecology Group
Office: 5619 (Biocenter 3)

Emilie is a Postdoctoral researcher working on numerous projects within REC and the Spatial Food Web Ecology Group. She is an applied pollinator ecologist by training, with a special interest in the ecology of non-bee pollinators such as moths. Her current research addresses: 

  • The relationship between biodiversity, land-use changes and ecosystem functioning.
  • The species- and community- level temperature niche changes in response to climate change.
  • The ecology of pollinators in agricultural and forest systems.
Suvi Ikonen - Coordinator

Life-history Evolution Research Group
Lammi Biological Station

Arthur Rodrigues - Postdoctoral Researcher

Life-history Evolution Research Group
Office: 5604 (Biocenter 3)

  • Community ecology 
  • Macroecology and macroevolution 
  • Biogeography
Audrey Bras - Postdoctoral Researcher

Life-history Evolution Research Group
Office: 5604 (Biocenter 3)

Postdoctoral project : Spatio-temporal genetic variation of butterflies in relation to land use and recent population trends, parts of a newly established Centre for Ecological Genetics (EcoGenetics)

  • Population genetics
  • Landscape genomics
  • Ecology and Evolution
  • Human-driven environmental changes
Natalie van Dis - Postdoctoral Researcher

Life-history Evolution Research Group
Office: 5604 (Biocenter 3)

Natalie is interested in the evolutionary potential of wild populations under global change. She combines long-term ecological data of Lepidoptera populations with genomics approaches to find factors that influence the rate of adaptation.

Project: Assessing the adaptive potential of wild butterfly populations using temporal genomics

  • Population genomics
  • Eco-evolutionary dynamics
  • Glanville fritillary butterfly (Melitaea cinxia)
Sara Leino - Doctoral Researcher

Laine Lab
Office: 5618 (Biocenter 3)

PhD project “The Impact of Anthropogenic Disturbance on Disease in Natural Plant Communities”. Funded by the ERC as a part of Anna-Liisa Laine's “The Coevolutionary Consequences of Biodiversity Change” project. Supervised by Anna-Liisa Laine and Hanna Susi.

  • Host-pathogen interactions
  • Plant microbiome
  • Plant ecology
  • Environmental change & biodiversity
Veera Nieminen - Doctoral Researcher

Laine Lab
Office: 5605 (Biocenter 3)

Ilaria Pia - Doctoral Researcher

Environmental and Ecological Statistics Group
Kumpula campus

Juho Kettunen - Doctoral Researcher

Environmental and Ecological Statistics Group
University of Eastern Finland

PhD project supervised jointly by Lauri Mehtätalo and Eeva-Stiina Tuittila from the University of Eastern Finland.

Karel Kaurila - Doctoral Researcher

Environmental and Ecological Statistics Group
Kumpula campus, Exactum, A408

Juho Kökkö - Doctoral Researcher

Life-history Evolution Research Group / PLASTI-CITY: Urban evolution of seasonal plasticity across space and time
Office: 5604 (Biocenter 3)

PhD project: “Urban evolution in butterflies, and the potential of citizen science”. Part of the larger project “PLASTI-CITY: Urban evolution of seasonal plasticity across space and time” funded by the Research Council of Finland (2024–2027). Supervised by Matthew Nielsen, Marjo Saastamoinen, and Pauliina Rautio.

  • Urban evolution
  • Seasonal ecology
  • Science education
  • Pieris napi
Lola Fernández Multigner - Doctoral Researcher

Life-history Evolution Research Group
Office: 5604 (Biocenter 3)

PhD project "Genetic diversity in Range-Shifting Butterflies". Funded by the LUOVA doctoral programme (Jan. 2024 - Dec. 2027). Supervised by Marjo Saastamoinen and Audrey Bras.

  • Landscape genetics
  • Spatial ecology
  • Genetic diversity
  • Environmental change & conservation
Patrick Heidbreder - Doctoral Researcher

Life-history Evolution Research Group / Project SpecIAnt
Office: 5202 (Biocenter 3)

PhD project "Survival Under Warming Climate and Adaptive Potential of Hybridization". Funded by the LUOVA doctoral programme (Jan. 2023 - Dec. 2024). Supervised by Jonna Kulmuni and Marjo Saastamoinen.

  • Hybridization and speciation
  • Evolutionary genomics
  • Adaptive potential
  • Thermal performance
Ulla Riihimäki - Doctoral Researcher

Life-history Evolution Research Group
Office: 5604 (Biocenter 3)

PhD project “Linking population trends to ecological performance in butterflies”. Funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation as a part of project “The missing link: unraveling the role of genetic variation of beneficial arthropods in agro-ecosystems" (to Marjo Saastamoinen as a co-PI).

  • Ecological performance
  • Genetic diversity
  • Population ecology
  • Land use & biodiversity
Daniel Fernández Garcia - Doctoral Researcher

Northern Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning Research Group
Office: 5610 (Biocenter 3)

PhD project “Effects of global change and community assembly on ecosystem functionality in boreal systems”. Funded by the Research Council of Finland as part of Elina Kaarlejärvi's Academy Research Fellow grant. Supervised by Elina Kaarlejärvi and Jarno Vanhatalo.

  • Functional ecology
  • Biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationship
  • Plant ecology
  • Community ecology
  • Global change

Nadja Verspagen was a PhD student in REC between 2020 and 2024.

Jussi Mäkinen was a postdoc in REC between 2022 and 2024.

Mirkka Jones was a university researcher in REC in 2023. 

Carly Lynsdale was a postdoc in REC between 2022 and 2023.

Otso Ovaskainen was one of the principal investigators of REC between 2018 and 2022. He is currently a Professor at the University of Jyväskylä.

Elisa Hanhirova (Project planner, 2021-2022)

Heidi Blom (Project coordinator, 2020-2022)

Manuel Frias (Database coordinator, 2020-2022)

Benjamin Weigel (Postdoctoral researcher, 2018-2022)

Viia Forsblom worked as the project coordinator in REC in 2018-2021. Before this she worked for the Metapopulation Research Centre, the predecessor for REC.

Pauliina Hallikas was Viia Forsblom's maternity leave replacement in 2019-2020, and is now a project coordinator at the Faculty of Pharmacy.

Tad Dallas joined us in 2018, and in 2019 he moved on to a tenure track position at Louisiana State University.

Tanja Lindholm was Bess' maternity leave replacement in 2018, and is now an Information Specialist at Helsinki University Library.

Malcolm Itter

Øys­tein Opedal

Giovanni Strona

Sara Fraixedas

Maria Hällfors

Liisa Ilvonen

                                                                                                                                       Photos by Veikko Somerpuro and other authors