The project has developed the SAPARO application, which is a free, web-based tool for pig farms to prevent and monitor tail biting. The application was developed for the producers’ needs by interviewing 15 pig farm managers, as well as by gathering comments on their user experience of the application and by
collecting information on the farms through on site visits.
You can find the SAPARO application at
On this website you will find information about tail biting and its risk factors, as well as printable material intended to pig farms on tail biting management planning.
Contact information:
Professor Anna Valros,
Doctoral researcher Hilkka Koskikallio,
The app was developed with Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland funding.
What is a tail biting?
Tail biting is an abnormal behaviour that occurs when pigs are stressed. Tail biting pigs bite other pigs´ tails and cause varying degrees of injury. At its mildest, the lesion may be a single bite. At worst several pigs in the pen will lose their tail. As a result of the biting, the risk for secondary inflammations increases, which impairs the welfare of the pigs, increases the number of rejections at the slaughterhouse and causes additional work and costs for the farms.
Risk Factors for Tail Biting
Tail biting risk factors include deficiencies in the pigs’ living conditions, diet or state of health. To ensure their well-being, pigs should have the possibility to perform species-specific behaviour, such as rooting. In SAPARO, you can assess the risk factors for tail biting on your farm. The risk factor survey includes seven important areas for tail biting prevention. Below you will find the risk factor survey in pdf format.
Project leader, Professor Anna Valros, PhD, University of Helsinki
Valros, who is an expert in pig tail biting leads the project. She is professor of animal welfare at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (University of Helsinki).
Doctoral researcher Hilkka Koskikallio, M.Sc. (Agric.)
Koskikallio is the main researcher of the project and is doing her PhD-dissertation on the topic.
Professor Mari Heinonen, DVM, University of Helsinki
Heinonen is a professor specializing on swine diseases and health care at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (HY). In the project, she acts as expert especially in the field of pig health and disease protection.
Postdoctoral Researcher Tiina Kauppinen, PhD, University of Helsinki
Kauppinen has a PhD in welfare of farm animals, and she is an expert in human attitudes and behaviour change in the project.
Assistant Professor Annukka Vainio, D.Soc.Sc., University of Helsinki
Vainio is an assistant professor of sustainable behaviour change at the Institute of Sustainability Science of the University of Helsinki (HELSUS) and the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry. She works as an expert in social psychology on the project.
In cooperation:
Animal Health ETT
Suomen Sikayrittäjät ry. (Finnish Pig Entrepreneurs’ Association)
Printable Material for Pig Farms
The website contains material for those working with pigs. The material can be utilised when planning risk factor management and treatment of tail biting as well and creating effective practices in the fattening unit.
Checklist for the risks of tail biting: what to consider when monitoring tail biting?
Checklist for the risks of tail biting
Medication guidelines to be completed with the farm veterinarian: when and how are pigs medicated?
Code of practice to prevent tail biting. How does your farm work to prevent tail biting? Fill in your own farm information. Alternatively, you can use a pre-filled sample template.
Tail biting prevention and management template
Code of practice, management of acute tail biting. How does your farm react when tail biting occurs. Fill in your own farm information. Alternatively, you can use a pre-filled sample template.
Tail biting management template
Calmness is important when handling pigs - a short guide to handling and moving pigs
Inventory for tail biting risk assessment and pig observations:
Tail biting prevention tool developed in the UK:
European Food Safety Authority publications on tail biting:
Finnish Animal Welfare Centre EHK - information on tail biting:
EU, reduction of tail docking:
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