New farm animal welfare council for the term 2016-2019 has been nominated

The goverment has appointed new members to the farm animal welfare council for the following three-year term. The purpose of the council is to increase the importance of production animal welfare and the appreciation of animals in the society and to spark ethical debates on animal welfare issues. The council also plays a key role in promoting collaboration between the authorities and other operators in the field. Representative for the animal welfare science is adjunct professor Laura Hänninen from the Helsinki University. Her vice-member is DVM, PhD Claudio Olivieiro. Professor Olli Peltoniemi continues chairing the committee.

The Farm Animal Welfare Council operates under the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. It assists the Ministry in issues and policies concerning the welfare of production animals. The council monitors and assesses the level of production animal welfare in Finland. It proposes measures to the Ministry to improve animal welfare and gives statements on initiatives and proposals concerning the welfare of production animals. During previous years stamentes have been given for renewing the animal welfare legislation, painless disbudding and castration and increasing the citizens´animal welfare knowledge.

- I am expecting an interesting term with enthuastic conversations,  says Dr. Laura Hänninen. In the very near future conflicts between animal welfare, society values and economic realities are not expected to decresea. We need such bodies, she continues.

Currently Finland has established three animal welfare committees to farm animals (chair Olli Peltoniemi), sport and hobby animals (chair Mika Leppinen) and animls used for scientific and teaching purposes (chair Outi Vainio).

Members at the farm animal welfare council 2016 - 2019

More Information

 Laura Hänninen, p. 0504151180,

 Susanna Ahlström, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. p. 0295 162 436,