European recognition for the Finnish animal welfare scientists

DVM, PhD Ann-Helena Hokkanen and DVM, PhD Camilla Munsterhjelm have been nominated as de-facto European Veterinary Specialist in Welfare Science, Ethics and Law - Dip ECAWBM-AW. Professor Anna Valros was nominated as an associate member to the college due to her distinguished work in the field.

"When such a new specialization program is build, it is necessary to gain enough de-factos and associate members to educate the becoming new diplomates. We have now four educators in this field, as Dr. Laura Hänninen got her de-facto status at 2012. This is a splended situation to start developing the education possibilities in Finland, says professor Anna Valros.

This specialization offers a good opportunity to develop personal professional skills for veterinarians working in various fields of animal protection and welfare, from NGOs to administration and research, says  Dr. Ann-Helena Hokkanen.

This field is rather new among veterinary science, thus would be awsome to get to meet specialists from different countries. I am especially waiting for to meet the Nordic collegues. I´m sure that the collaboration between the Finish and Nordic veterinary faculties will produce very interesting resources for interships in this field, mentiones Dr. Camilla Munsterhjelm.

De facto - diplomates should have been veterinarians, working in the field of animal welfare, ethics and law for the past  7 years, and their current work shuld be on the field as well. In addition, they should have documented their achievments in three areas, and list at least 6 scientific publications from the field. The College may confer Associate member status on active non-veterinarian scientists of international repute who have contributed significantly to research in the fields of animal welfare, ethics and law. 


prof. Anna Valros, tel. + 358 29 415 74 00

Dr Ann-Helena Hokkanen, tel. +358 400 489123

Dr Camilla Munsterhjelm, tel. + 358 50 5942240

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