Workshop: UiO:Norden Webinar #1: Explaining Swedish Exceptionalism on Covid-19: Nordic Perspectives
Workshop: Identity politics in post-global Nordic societies
3-4 March 2020, Copenhagen
Mads Mordhorst, Associate professor, PhD. Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, Copenhagen Business School, e-mail:
Lizaveta Dubinka-Hushcha, Assistant lecturer, PhD. Department of International Economics, Government and Business, Copenhagen Business School, e-mail:
Workshop: Exploring Nordic Education. Educational Reforms and Educational Media in the Nordic Countries from 1600 to present time
18-19 December 2019, Oslo
Follow-up workshop by invitation only. Contact: Kjell Lars Berge,
Workshop: Coordinating Nordic Governments Successfully
12-13 December 2019, Copenhagen
There is a blind spot when it comes to the interaction between political and administrative coordination and its impact on government performance in the Nordic countries. Mapping this hinterland of overall politicoadministrative coordination is pertinent because it provides a potent explanation for the success (and failure) of government activities and, thus, the citizens’ trust in the political systems in the Nordic countries and beyond. This workshop seeks to measure and explain the variation in politico-administrative coordination across the Nordic countries and beyond, as well as assess the impact of such variation for government success. Three interlinked questions will guide the workshop addressed: How do the political and administrative parts of the Nordic executives coordinate, and how could types of politico-administrative coordination be distinguished and classified? How can we account for the cross-country variation in politico-administrative coordination? What is the impact of politico-administrative coordination on government success in Nordic countries? Contact: Mads Dagnis Jensen (, Flemming Juul Christiansen, Christel Koop and Guy Peters .
Workshop: Neoliberalism in the Nordics – developing an absent theme
2 - 3 December 2019, Copenhagen Business School
The workshop seeks to develop a new research theme and a research network around neoliberalism and neoliberalisation in the Nordics. By invitation only. Contact: Mathias Hein Jessen,
Workshop: Reimagining The Nordic model Christian Cultural Heritage. Christmas in public schools and broadcasting (NORCHRIST)
13 - 15 November 2019, Aarhus University
Workshop: Heritage Branding between the Regional and the National
21 - 22 November 2019, Copenhagen
Research network meeting by invitation only. Contact: Hanne Pico Larsen,
Workshop: Reimagining the Nordic Bible: Bible Reception in Contemporary Nordic Identity Formation
30 October - 1 November 2019, Aarhus University
In the Nordic countries, the Bible continues to play a significant role as container of cultural values. This workshop at Aarhus University is a platform for new critical reflection on the use of the Bible in contemporary cultural and political debates in the Nordic countries. In Nordic Lutheran societies, the Bible has traditionally been perceived as a basis of religion and social cohesion. Whereas such religious and Lutheran factors in the historical genesis of the Nordic welfare states are well-researched, the focus of the present workshop is on public use of the Bible in present debates. The interdisciplinary workshop consists of a series of case studies that discuss how Nordic bibles (translations, Children’s bibles, rewritings, reenactments in art and politics) and Nordic bible use (the Bible as argument and icon in the public sphere) legitimize and criticize common cultural codes and values of Nordic welfare societies (gender equality, individualism, national identities, religion as private phenomenon, division of religion and politics, secularized Protestant ideas, etc.). Without essentializing the idea of a ‘Nordic Bible,’ it is the purpose to discuss common—and opposing—trends in biblical discourse across the Nordic countries. Whether there is such thing as a ‘Nordic Bible,’ i.e., a particular understanding and use of the Bible in the Nordic welfare states, remains an open question, but the workshop and its subsequent publication aims to demonstrate that the reception of the Bible is an excellent showcase of contemporary Nordic identity formation in an evolving world.
The workshop is organized by Aarhus University, University of Oslo, University of Helsinki, and University of Iceland in conjunction. Workshop papers will be published in a joint volume. A second workshop is planned to take place at University of Oslo in 2020. Participation by regstration only (by 25 October 2019), contact: Kasper Bro Larsen, e-mail:
Workshop: 'Nordic nineties': Cultural reorientation and identity formation in the Nordic region during the transformative 1990s
24-25 October, 2019, Södertörn University
Workshop: Nordic Democracy: Challenges, Threats and Possibilities
21-23 October 2019, Stockholm
Nordic Democracy; Challenges, Threats and Possibilities The Nordic countries have been depicted as representing a special mode of democracy, a ”consensual democracy”, enabling compromises between works and capital as well as universal characterized welfare systems, a societal political solution - “the Nordic model” – long regarded as a role model of democracy, by the Nordics as well as by other parts of the world. Since the late 1970s the characteristics that constituted this model have changed. From the late 1980s change has accelerated, partly because of internal Nordic political and economic change – liberalisation, privatisation and individualisation, partly by general tendencies as medialization, globalization and digitalisation. Today the region is confronted by several democratic challenges, including isolationist and populist backlash, rising inequality, widening gaps between citizens and politicians, and growing distrust – a development taking place in new geopolitical context challenging the security politics drawn up on the premises of the “window of opportunity” opening up due to the collapse of the Soviet union and independence of the Baltic States. How do the Nordic countries and Nordic politics – within different policy fields and different political arenas - respond to these changes? How do they affect the Nordic model? Which future roles are designated the Nordic countries, region and model in the present rhetoric and discourse? Which players claim to own the political solutions of future democracy? Which modes of democracy are advocated ? Which arenas are brought out as central - civic society, local society, national parliamentarianism, Nordic political bodies for transnational co-operation, the EU, the UN? By invitation only. Contact: Ylva Waldemarson,
Workshop: Governance challenges and emergent solutions at the societal level enhancing trust and democracy
18-19 October 2019, Copenhagen
The workshop investigates digitalization of corporate governance and its impact on accountability, transparency, efficiency and therefore trust within society, thus impacting democracy. Specific emphasis is on analyzing the Nordic model of corporate governance and how digital transformation will impact current notions of governance, business models and interaction between management and boards with shareholders (private) and other stakeholders (public entities). The aim with the workshop is to explore this emerging research topic and identify areas for further research and appropriate methodologies. Further, the aim to investigate how disruptive technologies are changing the current notion of governance and practiced. The discussion that will take place seeks to integrate governance issues at different levels by selecting examples of corporations from the Nordic countries of different governance traditions: foundations, state ownership, private ownership, and a few non-Nordic cases to be used as benchmarks. Thus, governance at the firm level will be discussed in relation to relevant governance at the societal level (macro-level), and to related governance issues at the micro-level. By invitation only. Contact: Olaf Sigurjonsson,
Wittness seminar: North and South - Social Democracy in the European 1970s
15 October, 2019, Södertörn University
Workshop: SOGIE Refugees: Improving policies and practices in the Nordic region and the UK
11-12 October 2019, University of Iceland, Reykjavik
People who flee persecution because of their sexual orientation or gender identity and expression (SOGIE) constitute a particularly vulnerable group of migrants in both asylum and integration processes. During this two-day workshop at the Nordic House in Reykjavik, experts from all of the Nordic countries will come together to discuss the prospects of researching SOGIE asylum and integration processes, including the mapping of existing data, analyzing relevant policies, examining the role of digital media, and carrying out in-depth interviews with four different stakeholder groups: SOGIE refugees, gatekeepers, advocacy groups, and service providers. The goal of the workshop is to strengthen our scholarly communities in a way that will address challenges of SOGIE asylum and integration at an intra-Nordic level. This will be the first time researchers from all the Nordic countries come together to organize qualitative cross-national knowledge about SOGIE refugees in the Nordic region. Participation only by invitation. Contact: May-Len Skilbrei, e-mail:
Workshop and open seminar: Nordic Queer Migration: Perspectives on Mobility from Iceland to Denmark and from Finland to Sweden
26 - 28 September 2019, University of Iceland, Reykjavik
Workshop: Who Owns the Civic Sphere? Scandinavia in a Comparative Perspective
2 - 3 September 2019, University of Oslo
Closed workshop. Contact: Nina Witoszek,
Workshop: Nationalism in the Nordic national sciences
2 - 3 September 2019, University of Helsinki
Conference: The "Great White North"? Critical Perspectives on Whiteness in the Nordics and its Neighbours
26 - 28 August 2019, University of Helsinki
Workshop: Civic Norden: Civil Society in the Nordic Region and Beyond since 1800
19 - 20 June 2019, University of Oslo
Conference: Nordic Narratives of International Law
6 - 7 June 2019, University of Oslo
Summer school: First ReNEW Summer School: Nordic Trends in Gender Studies
15 - 24 May 2019, University of Iceland
Seminar: "En nordisk förbundsstat – Borde Norden föras närmare ett förbund?"
24 May 2019, Hanaholmen, Espoo
Conference: Public Diplomacy in Conflict: Nordic, Baltic and East European Perspectives - Day 1
2 May 2019, Näringslivets hus, Stockholm
Panel talks with practicioners, researchers and representants from media and culture about current conflicts and the future of public diplomacy and nation branding.
Public diplomacy and nation branding are expanding fields at the intersection of policy, practice and research. The approaches and models for diplomacy and branding practices are getting more diverse, and so are the theoretical and methodological approaches to these phenomena as study objects. Especially for small and medium sized states, public diplomacy has been seen as a way to gain influence and shape the international agenda beyond their limited hard power resources, whereas nation branding presents a way for smaller nations to create and maintain a distinct international image. Scandinavia, the Baltic area and Eastern Europe are thus excellent regions for discussing this phenomenon, as they include small nations, both with a long history, as well as newly founded countries in search of an international image. The implementation of public diplomacy and branding strategies as well as the emergence of related research fields have not only created a variation in methods and approaches, but also different forms of tensions and conflicts on various level. The purpose of the conference is to bring together practicioners and researchers to discuss current conflict lines within the field of public diplomacy and nation branding. The conference is hosted by Södertörn University in cooperation with the Swedish Institute and supported by thre Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES) and ReNEW.
For more information please contact: Andreas Åkerlund, and Jerker Sundstrand,
Workshop: Public Diplomacy in Conflict: Nordic, Baltic and East European Perspectives - day 2
3 May 2019, Södertörn University, Stockholm
Day 2 of the conference Public Diplomacy in Conflict is an academic workshop with invited researchers from the field.
Workshop: Contested Humanities: A dialogue on Ecumenical Spaces of Hospitality in Europe
1-3 April 2019, Nordhost/UIO:Nordic and the SIMI institute in Rome
Workshop: Nordic routes to ”Weberian” bureaucracy. The role of elites, social mobilization and nation building
28 - 29 March 2019, University of Oslo
The workshop is open to scholars in the Oslo region and from the ReNEW consortium universities, but they have to finance the participation by means of their own research funds. Those who are interested in participating should get in touch with Lars Mjøset,
Workshop: Politics of memory: Nordic experiences of dealing with historical legacies
27 March 2019, Copenhagen Business School
Conference: Nordic Peace Revisited
18 - 19 March 2019, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), Oslo
The First ReNEW Emerging Scholars Day
5 March 2019, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen
→ Participation still possible, please fill in the First ReNEW Emerging Scholars Day application form and return it to
Conference: 3rd Nordic Challenges Conference
6-8 March 2019, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen
Workshop: Exploring Nordic Education, Educational Reforms and Educational Media in the Nordic Countries from the late eighteenth century until present time (book project)
5 - 6 February 2019, University of Oslo, Oslo
Workshop: Images of the Urban North: ‘Grey Heritage’ in Travel Narratives in the 19th Century
17 - 18 December 2018, University of Oslo.
Workshop: Neoliberalism in the Nordics – developing an absent theme
6-7 December 2018, MaxPo Center for Coping with Instability in Market Societies, Paris
Workshop: Nordic Teacher Education Models: A Comparative Research Study
16-18 November 2018, Copenhagen
Workshop: Nordic experiences with public sector innovation and public value creation
29-30 October 2018, Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center, Copenhagen
Conference: "States of Exception” and the Politics of Anger
19-20 October 2018, University of Iceland, Reykjavik
The EDDA Research Center in cooperation with the ReNEW Excellence Hub, hosts an international conference on emergency politics. It brings together scholars in diverse academic fields to explore “states of exception” from historical and contemporary perspectives and in different geographies, with emphasis on Europe, the Nordic region, and the United States.
PhD workshop: Transnationalism and nation-states: Multidisciplinary perspectives
11-12 October 2018, University of Helsinki, Finland
This workshop invites doctoral students from different fields in the humanities and social sciences to discuss their on-going research projects by focusing on the theoretical, methodological and empirical challenges that the notion of nationalism and transnationalism pose in their research. The aim of the workshop is to explore different ways of approaching transnationalism from both historical and contemporary perspectives.
Workshop: ‘Nordic Noir, Geopolitics and the North’
4-5 October 2018, Aarhus University, Denmark
Norden’s dramatic television series currently serve as a model for the rest of the world. Shaped by public service broadcasting traditions these programmes provide a rich reservoir of representation of how northern Europe sees itself. With this in mind, this workshop will investigate the geopolitical implications of the series within and beyond the region.
The workshop is open to all, but places are limited. To register, please contact Dr Pei Sze Chow at
See announcement: ReNEW Workshop: Nordic Noir, Geopolitics, and the North
Seminar: Nordic Models in the Age of Populism
27-28 September 2018, Center for Integrated Life Sciences and Engineering (CILSE), Boston University
Seminar: Nordic Models of Self-Organization
20-21 September 2018, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen
Workshop: ‘Sign of the Times: Changes in the Nordic model’
7 August 2018, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen.
Conference: The Second Nordic Challenges Conference: Narratives of uniformity and diversity
7‒9 March 2018, University of Helsinki.