NB! Copenhagen Business School has withdrawn from the call and will not be funding applicants this last call.
Eligible applicants are researchers at all stages of their careers, including PhD students and affiliated researchers, working in these above-mentioned universities. The grants are awarded on a competitive basis for research that ties in directly with the themes of ReNEW:
Deadline for applications is 1 October 2023.
ReNEW aims to communicate its research, in the wider public sphere, through various channels. Outreach funding is available for activities designed to communicate research to the broader public and pertinent stakeholders. Activities are likely to include contributions to social and traditional media, specific stakeholder involvement or dialogue with citizens through roundtables or events. Applicants are encouraged to make use of and contribute to ReNEW’s public outreach site nordics.info and are welcome to contact nordics.info (nwitcombe@cas.au.dk) before submitting.
Criteria for funding:
ReNEW mobility is intended to intensify research collaboration and the exchange of scholars. The grants are available for research stays in relevant departments of the ReNEW partner universities (listed below), in ReNEW’s strategic international partners (listed below), and where relevant, in other universities or departments that are engaged in research relevant to ReNEW. Mobility grants are also available for scholars from other universities seeking research stays in ReNEW universities.
Mobility grants are available for research stays from one week to 12 months. Grants may cover travel and accommodation costs, but not salary. Co-funding is encouraged. Grant recipients must comply with the administrative rules for travel of the granting university. The receiving institution commits to providing a work-related infrastructure, and to facilitating integration of mobility candidates into the academic community, given the epidemic situation and restrictions that may be in place. Grant recipients are encouraged to make a contribution to ReNEW's online information source nordics.info.
Criteria for funding:
ReNEW workshops have multiple purposes, such as to explore research ideas, to develop collaboration, to pursue on-going cooperation in the context of a joint publication, to fund start-up projects, and to contribute to other activities. Workshops will usually take place at a ReNEW partner university. Workshops can also take place online or as hybrid events. The grant may cover travel of participants, hosting of the workshop, meals during the workshop, assistance, technical support, and other relevant costs. Co-funding is encouraged. Grant recipients must comply with the administrative rules for events of the granting university. The workshop, as part of international research collaboration, should aim to include the most relevant scholars in a particular sub-field of relevance to ReNEW. Grant recipients will be asked to make a contribution to ReNEW’s online information resource nordics.info.
Criteria for funding:
ReNEW open access (OA) support aims at a broader dissemination of research on Norden, especially in a global context. OA support can be applied for on a competitive basis for publications within the themes of ReNEW. OA support is available for payment of OA fees for books, journal articles and book chapters. The publication must have been published within the previous year or will be published in the following year (as per the date of application). Costs for preparatory work before manuscript submission may be included.[1] The anticipated level for a contribution is 5,000 to 20,000 NOK for articles/chapters and 10,000 to 60,000 NOK for books. (In exceptional cases, support for articles can be increased up to 25,000 NOK for articles and 120,000 NOK for books.) Grant recipients will be asked to make a contribution to ReNEW’s online information resource nordics.info.
Criteria for funding:
When open access support is needed urgently, an OA application can be made outside the standard biannual ReNEW deadlines. An application is deemed urgent if a publisher or potential OA co-funder requires earlier notification of OA support. Evidence of urgency must be provided.
Applications are reviewed by an advisory assessment committee, on the basis of the criteria specified above. In addition to the specific criteria defined above, the quality of the proposed research and work plan, its relevance for the ReNEW agenda and the potential impact (research output and impact on the academic community and on the broader society) are key factors in the evaluation. After the review by the advisory assessment committee, the final decision is made by the ReNEW steering group. The steering group has the discretion to allocate funding according to strategic aims. The decision can be unconditional acceptance, conditional acceptance or rejection. If accepted, the grant amount may differ from the one applied for.
The activities should be carried out and open access support used by the end of October 2024. As the coronavirus epidemic continues, we strive for flexibility in the use of funding. In planning activities, applicants should follow all guidelines from their universities and local and national authorities and also consider virtual or hybrid events.
Successful workshop applicants will be required to submit their workshop programme for publication on the ReNEW website.
All successful applicants are to submit a final report to the ReNEW steering group within two months after the completion of the activity. Moreover, all applicants are asked to consider how their activities might also generate content for nordics.info (the ReNEW website for outreach and public dissemination).
ReNEW funding should be acknowledged in all communication on the activities. Calls and programs for workshops and other events should include the use of the ReNEW and NordForsk logo. All research published following the workshop and mobility funding should refer to the support received from ReNEW. Open access support should be acknowledged in the publication or, if this is no longer possible, on a scholar’s or project’s website.
Deadline for applications is 1 October 2023.
This is the final ReNEW call.
Applications are submitted electronically through application forms on ReNEW’s homepage: www.helsinki.fi/renew (see Funding).
Apply for RENEW Public outreach and stakeholder involvement
Apply for RENEW Early career mobility funding
Apply for RENEW Senior researcher mobility funding
Apply for RENEW Workshop funding
Apply for RENEW Open access funding
Outreach and stakeholder involvement grant: work plan (objectives, preliminary programme and deliverables, implementation, timetable, contribution to ReNEW themes & research and future involvement in ReNEW, chosen audience, participants), budget (max sum equivalent to 20 000 NOK), CV (max three pages) of main applicants.
Mobility grant: work plan (research plan including a visit plan, max five pages), budget (travel, accommodation and other costs incurred by the visit), CV (max three pages) and invitation from host institution.
Workshop grant: workshop description (purpose, plan for advertisement, time schedule, preliminary programme, contribution to ReNEW themes & research and future involvement in ReNEW, list of participants), budget (max sum equivalent to 50 000 NOK unless special circumstances, including expected costs for meals, travel, accommodation, assistance and other essential costs)2, CV (max three pages) of main applicants.
Aarhus University, contact: Mary Hilson, mary.hilson@cas.au.dk
Copenhagen Business School, contact: Caroline de la Porte, cdlp.egb@cbs.dk and Anders Weis Christiansen, awc.egb@cbs.dk
Södertörn University, contact: Norbert Götz, norbert.gotz@sh.se and Francesco Zavatti, renew@sh.se
University of Helsinki, contact: Peter Stadius, peter.stadius@helsinki.fi
Iceland University, contact: Irma Erlingsdottir, irma@hi.is
University of Oslo, contact: Sunniva Engh, sunniva.engh@iakh.uio.no, and Mona Charlotte Grydeland, m.c.grydeland@norden.uio.no
Boston University, MA., USA, www.bu.edu/european/about, ReNEW contact person: Haldor Byrkjeflot, haldor.byrkjeflot@sosgeo.uio.no
European University Institute, Firenze, Italy, www.eui.eu, ReNEW contact person: Caroline de la Porte, cdlp.egb@cbs.dk
SCANCOR Weatherhead at the Harvard University, Cambridge MA., USA, wcfia.harvard.edu/programs/scholars, contact: Haldor Byrkjeflot, haldor.byrkjeflot@sosgeo.uio.no
Sciences-Po, Paris, France, www.sciencespo.fr, ReNEW contact person: Caroline de la Porte cdlp.egb@cbs.dk and Haldor Byrkjeflot haldor.byrkjeflot@sosgeo.uio.no
University of Gdańsk, Gdańsk, Poland, en.ug.edu.pl, ReNEW contact person: Norbert Götz, norbert.gotz@sh.se
ReNEW is funded by NordForsk.
[1] For example, copy editing, proof reading, language check, indexing, coordination with authors and publisher.
[2] Applicants from Aarhus University should note that the maximum amount of funding available per workshop is likely to be less than NOK 50,000. Funds for workshops and outreach at Aarhus University especially are quite limited. Applicants are strongly encouraged to consider co-funding or co-organisation with colleagues from other ReNEW universities.
For more information about eligibility and how to apply, contact coordinator Heidi Haggrén, heidi.haggren@helsinki.fi
This call as PDF: Call for applications: ReNEW outreach, mobility, workshop and open access grants.