Contributions 2023

Selection of publications and other contributions from researchers involved in the ReNEW Hub.

Anna Bark Persson, Steel as the Answer?: Viking Bodies, Power, and Masculinity in Anglophone Fantasy Literature 2006-2016, Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, 2023. 

Martin Johansson, De nordiska lekarna: Grannländer i pressen under olympiska vinterspel, Södertörn University, The Institute of Contemporary History, 2023. 

Frederik Forrai ØrskovSeaside Encounters: Culture, Politics, and Comradeship at the German-Nordic Writers´ House, 1934-1939, University of Helsinki, Department of Cultures, 2023. 

Edited Volumes

Elstad, Eyvind (ed.) Teacher Education in the Nordic Region. Challenges and Opportunities. Springer 2023.

Hemstad, Ruth and Peter Stadius (eds). Nordic Experiences in Pan-nationalisms: A Reappraisal and Comparison, 1840–1940. Routledge 2023.

de la Porte, Caroline, Jensen, Mads Dagnis and Jon Kvist. "Grand challenges and the Nordic model: regulatory responses and outcomes", Regulation & Governance.

Journal Articles

Kärrylä, Ilkka, Strang, Johan, & Wuokko, Maikki. 'Fragments of libertarianism and neoliberal ascendancy: ideological features and limitations of the liberal breakthrough in Finland', Journal of Political Ideologies, 28:3 (2023), pp. 392-411.

Rom-Jensen, Byron, Hellenes, Andreas Mørkved, Hilson, Mary and Carl Marklund. ‘Modelizing the Nordics: transdiscursive migrations of Nordic models, c. 1965-2020’, Scandinavian Journal of History, 48:2 (2023), pp. 249-271.

Strang, Johan. 'Three Stages of the Danish Welfare State through the Prism of Citizen Categories', Contributions to the History of Concepts, 18:1 (2023), pp. 133-136.

Ørskov Forrai, Frederik. 'Three Settings for German-Nordic Cultural Diplomacy: Nordic Writers, the Deutsch-Nordische Schriftstellerhaus, and National Socialist Internationalism', Diplomatica, 5:2 (2023), pp. 263-281.