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Thomsen, Bodil Marie Stavning. “Shared, shamed and archived images of vulnerable bodies: on the nexus of media, feminism and freedom of speech in Scandinavia.” In EDancus, Adriana Margareta; Hyvonen, Mats and Karlsson, Maria (eds). Vulnerability in Scandinavian art and culture. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.
Thomsen, Bodil Marie Stavning. “The demonic quality of darkness in The House That Jack Built: haptic transmedial affects throughout the work of Lars von Trier.” In Vernallis, Carol; Rogers, Holly and Lisa Perrott (eds). Transmedia directors : artistry, industry and new audiovisual aesthetics. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020. pp. 361-377
Antonsdóttir, Hildur Fjóla. "Book review: Victimology and Victim Rights: International Comparative Perspectives", International Review of Victimology, Vol 26, Issue 3, 2020.
Strang, Johan, “Nordic countries”, in Lewis & Slater, The Annual Register – World Events 2019, Cambridge: Proquest, vol. 261, 44-48 (5 pages).
de Bengy Puyvallée, Antoine, "The politics behind the COVID-19 responses”, Sciencenorway, 28.3.2020.
Byrkjeflot, Haldor, "En døende amerikansk drøm utfordrer bildet av Norden", Aftenposten, 24.10.2020.
Byrkjeflot, Haldor, "Slik brukes Norden som både forbilde og skremmebilde i amerikansk politikk", interview for Forskning.no, 2.11.2020.
Czimbalmos, Mercédesz, ‘Finnish Jewish intermarriage since 1917: intertwining religions and cultures’. nordics.info 24.9.2020.
Czimbalmos, Mercédesz. "Ma Nishtana? Research Mobility in the times of COVID-19". Blog text for Polin-Institutet at Åbo Akademi.
Engh, Sunniva; Langford, Malcolm and Hilde Sandvik, Universitetsplassen LIVE: Norden i verden 2020, 12.8.2020.
Engh, Sunniva, ‘Kommer vi til å bli like gode venner med Sverige igjen?’ interview for Forskning.no, 29.11.2020.
Engh, Sunniva, "Folkehelseinstituttet ble etablert med amerikanske oljepenger", interview for Forskning.no, 20.10.2020. English version: "US oil money kick-started The Norwegian Institute of Public Health’.
Engh, Sunniva and Frode Forland, ‘USA, fra drivkraft til hinder’, Dagbladet, 12.9. 2020.
Felbo-Kolding, Jonas. "At arbejde har da været et problem i mit ægteskab", Fagbladetf.dk, 8.3.2020.
Felbo-Kolding, Jonas. "Lige nu er østarbejdere ikke en trussel mod danske håndværkere. Men det kan de blive." Information, 14.2.2020.
Felbo-Kolding, Jonas. "Færre unge tager et fritidsjob", DR.dk, 20.1.2020.
Felbo-Kolding, Jonas. "Flere unge fravælger at tage et fritidsjob", DR P4 Radioavisen 13.00, 20.1.2020.
Felbo-Kolding, Jonas. "Chef i Legoland til forældre: Stop med at betale jeres børn for at droppe fritidsjob!", DR.dk, 20.1.2020.
Furuseth, Sissel. Intellektuell kolonisering av naturbegrepet. Bøygen: Organ for nordisk språk og litteratur. ISSN 0806-8623. 32(2), 2020, pp. 36- 41.
Hansen, Michael Benndsen, Dubinka-Huscha, Lizaveta, Götz, Norbert and Mads Mordhorst. "Podcast: The Nordics and identity: unite or divide?" and "The Nordics and Identity: innate or imagined?" [Audio podcast episode]. In Nordics and Identity, nordics.info (July 2020)
Hemstad, Ruth. "Sverige balancerer på kanten af det nordiske fællesskab" [Sweden balances on the edge of the Nordic community "]. Interview for Kristeligt Dagblad (DK) 1.7.2020.
Hemstad, Ruth, “Norwegian professors weigh in: Why do we say “Scandinavia” and the “Nordics”?” Interview for Norway Today, 29.10. 2020
Hemstad, Ruth and Strang, Johan. "Sverige er vant til å være forbilde. Så ble Skandinavias storebror plutselig stengt ute" [Sweden is used to being a role model. Then Scandinavia's big brother was suddenly shut out], interviewed in Aftenposten 28.6.2020.
Hilson, Mary, “What is the Nordic Model?” Short film, Nordics.info, 2020.
af Hällström, Matilda and Strang, Johan. "Coronakrisen har splittet Nordens broderfolk" [The corona crisis has divided the Nordic sister nations]. Interview for Kristeligt Dagblad (DK) 30.6.2020.
Johansson, Martin. Morgonpasset i P3 med OS-historikern Martin Johansson [Olympic Historian Martin Johansson]. 26.3.2020.
Kirkebø, Tori Loven; Langford, Malcolm and Haldor Byrkjeflot. "Lykkelige Norden?", in Morgenbladet.no 17.12.2020.
Kärrylä, Ilkka. "Nordic public debt: the dangers of restricting public spending due to the covid-19 crisis" for nordics.info (2020).
Kärrylä, Ilkka. "Raskasta tehohoitoa, viikkoja vuodeosastolla, pitkiä kuntoutusjaksoja – miten suuri on lasku koronakevään potilaskustannuksista ja heilauttaako se talouden kokonaiskuvaa?" [Heavy intensive care, weeks in the inpatient ward, long rehabilitation periods - how big are the patient costs of corona spring and does it sway the overall picture of the economy?] Interview for YLE News 17.6.2020.
Körber, Lill-Ann. Film: “Postcolonialism” for nordics.info (2020).
Langford, Malcolm and Sigrun Marie Moss. "Fronter utenriksministeren merkevarekampanje eller endret utenrikspolitikk?" Aftenposten.no 30.5.2020.
Langford, Malcolm and Rem, Tore. UiO:Norden Webinar: Explaining Swedish Exceptionalism on Covid-19: Nordic Perspectives. 28.5.2020.
Lorenzen, Søren and Larsen, Kasper Bro. "Den nordiske bibel", a special issue of Bibliana 2/2020.
Marklund, Carl and Rom-Jensen, Byron. ‘Vanishing Scandinavian "socialism" in the 2020 US election’. nordics.info 9.11.2020.
Marklund, Carl, Hellenes, Andreas Mørkved and Rom-Jensen, Byron. Podcast: The Nordic Model: Heaven or Hell? nordics.info (15.4.2020)
Mjaaland, Marius Timmann. «Nordisk ambivalens i møte med naturen». Interview in Salongen: Online journal for Philosophy and History of Ideas, 28.12.2020.
Mordhorst, Mads. "COOP udvider sig på en utraditionel måde", TV 2 Nyhederne 19.00 7.7.2020.
Mordhorst, Mads. "Seas-NVE makes name change to Andel", Energywatch.eu, 25.8.2020.
Mordhorst, Mads. "Debatten om racisme blusser op i USA2, DR2 Deadline 22.30, 27.6.2020.
Newby, Andrew. "Letters from Finland", a series of letters ferlecting the corona pandemic in Finland for Nordic Horizons. Letter #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6
Outinen, Sami. "The Nordic response to the Great Depression – an economic approach to the Corona crisis?", nordics.info (16.4.2020)
Pugh, Jonathan. ‘The Scandinavian states and the environment in international politics, 1970-2000’. nordics.info (14.10.2020).
Pugh, Jonathan. ‘Jan Eliasson’. nordics.info (28.7.2020)
Quirico, Monica. “Democracy in the Shadow of Populism: A Nordic Way out?” for nordics.info (2020)
Quirico, Monica. (2020) Articles on the Swedish way of dealing with the Coronavirus Crisis in Giap (14 April) and in Volere la luna (29 March, 10 April, 3 & 29 May, 15 June, 27 Nov, 23 Dec.)
Quirico, Monica. "Perché in Italia non sarebbe stato possibile un lockdown soft come quello svedese”. Interview in Huffington Post 30.4.2020.
Rem, Tore. "UiO-satsing er verdsleiande på Norden-forskning" [UiO's investment is world-leading in Nordic research]. Interview by Martin Totf, UNIFORUM 19 January 2020.
Stadius, Peter. "Kulturen är en konkurrensfaktor" [Culture is a competition factor]. Hufvudstadsbladet 11.5.2020. Peter emphasized that investing in a sustainable Norden need not be a zero sum game where culture is sacrificed.
Stadius, Peter. "Coronavirus: les Suédois ne sont toujours pas bienvenus chez leurs voisins" [Coronavirus: Swedes are still not welcomed by their neighbors]. Interview in Le Monde, 13.6.2020. Peter Stadius commenting the effects of Sweden being isolated by their Nordic neighbours, and what effects it might have for Nordic cooperation.
Stadius, Peter. "Expert: Ryktena om svenskhat efter Finlands inresebeslut är överdrivna" [Expert: Rumors of Swedish hatred following Finland's entry decision are exaggerated], interview in Hufvudstadsbladet 18.6.2020.
Stadius, Peter. "Nya statyer, nya minnen" [New statues, new memories], a column in Hufvudstadsbladet 19.7.2020.
Stadius, Peter. "Babylådan" [Baby box]. Column on the Finnish social invention, the baby box, and the recent decision to introduce it on Ireland, as well as the current trends in Nordic family policies. Hufvudstadsbladet (HBL) 23.8.2020.
Stadius, Peter. Webbinarium: Samarbetet i Norden – idag och i framtiden [Webinar: Cooperation in the Nordic region - today and in the future]. Panelist. 1.10.2020.
Strang, Johan. "Talous vai terveys, onko meillä varaa kaikkiin rajoituksiin?" [Economy or health, can we afford the restrictions?], Ykkösaamu 31.3.2020 (YLE Radio), commented on the diverging actions of the Nordic countiries, especially Sweden, in the Covid-19 crisis.
Strang, Johan. "Why do the Nordic countries react differently to the covid-19 crisis?" for nordics.info (2020).
Strang, Johan. "Sverige ses som riskfaktor i de andra nordiska länderna: ”Vi är ur takt med varandra” [Sweden is seen as a risk factor in the other Nordic countries: We are out of sync with one another]. Dagens nyheter 11.5.2020. Johan pointed in the interview how the different handling of the corona crisis can have long-term consequences for Nordic countries' relations.
Strang, Johan. "Plötzlich gilt Schweden in Skandinavien als Gefahrenzone" [Suddenly, Sweden is considered a danger zone in Scandinavia]. Interview in Welt 26.5.2020.
Strang, Johan. "Ruotsalaisilta meni maine?" [The Swedes lost their reputation?]. Interview in Ykkösaamu, YLE, 28.5.2020.
Strang, Johan. "Vasaforskare om följderna av coronakrisen: "Rörligheten i Norden inte längre självklar" [Researcher on the consequences of the corona crisis: "Mobility in the Nordic countries no longer self-evident"]. Interview in Vasabladet 6.6.2020.
Strang, Johan. "Coronavirus may change Nordic friendships forever. The closure of borders has disrupted everyday life across the region", interview in Politico 18.6.2020.
Strang, Johan. "Det nordiska samarbetet står handfallet inför kriser som drabbar hela regionen på en gång" [Nordic cooperation incapacitated in the face of crisis affecting the entire region]. Letter to the editor, Hufvudstadsbladet 26.6.2020.
Strang, Johan. "Inte bara legoklossar och mobiltelefoner – Norden är mer än ett varumärke" [Not just lego blocks and mobile phones – the Nordic region is more than just a brand]. interview in Nyhetspodden, Svenska Yle 30.6.2020.
Strang, Johan. "Juutinrauman silta täyttää 20 vuotta – "Pohjoismaiden yhteistyön isoimpia saavutuksia" [Øresund Bridge turns 20 years – One of the biggest achievements of Nordic cooperation]. Interview for Radio Sweden (Sveriges radio) 1.7.2020.
Strang, Johan. ”Plötsligt står det militär vid gränsen” ["Suddenly the military is at the border"]. Interview for Swedish News Agency TT thats was taken up by Swedish media. Expressen 13.7.2020.
Strang, Johan. "Hur ska den nordiska gemenskapen överleva pandemin?" [How will the Nordic community survive the pandemic?] 15.7.2020.
Strang, Johan. "Hur mår Norden i coronatider" [How is the Nordic region in corona times?]. Interview for Sveriges radio 16.9.2020.
Strang, Johan. "How Finland kept Covid in check". interview for Financial Times 24.10.2020.
Strang, Johan. "Drukke winkels, volle terrassen: waarom de Zweedse corona-aanpak voor ruzie zorgt in Scandinavië" [Busy shops, crowded terraces: why the Swedish corona approach is creating tensions in Scandinavia]. Interview for Trouw 1.10.2020.
Strang, Johan. "Nordenforskare: "Stängda gränser ett symtom på något större än coronan" [Researcher: "Closed borders a symptom of something bigger than the corona"]. Interview for Svenska YLE 14.10.2020.
Strang, Johan. "Frostig stämning inför nordisk prisutdelning" [Frosty atmosphere before awards ceremony for the Nordic Council prizes]. Interview for Sveriges radio 24.10.2020.
Strang, Johan. "Professor: Nordenrelationerna har försvagats av gränsrestriktionerna" [Professor: Border restrictions have weakened Nordic relations]. Interview for Sveriges television (SVT) 25.10.2020.
Strang, Johan. "NR föddes ur besvikelsen över större havererade projekt" ["NC was born out of disappointment over major failed projects"]. Interview for Hufvudstadsbladet (HBL) 26.10.2020.
Strang, Johan. "Nordic Welfare State: Green, inclusive and great?" Key note address. Brave sustainable world - the Nordic model under pressure? Choosing Green: A digital summit in the lead up to COP26. 17.11.2020.
Strang, Johan. “Estado de bem-estar social produz confiança”, diz ao DCM professor da Finlândia sobre sucesso contra a covid-19" [“Welfare state produces confidence, tells Finnish professor to DCM on success in covid-19 fight]. Interview for DCM (Portugal) 28.11.2020.
Strang, Johan. "Suomessa aluepolitiikka on kirosana ja keskusta nilkuttaa, mutta Norjassa sisarpuolue ampaisi gallupien kärkeen – Katso, miten tutkija selittää taikatemppua" [In Finland, regional policy is a curse word and the center is squatting, but in Norway the sister party shot at the top of the polls - See how the researcher explains the magic trick]. Interview for Suomenmaa 2.12.2020.
Strang, Johan. "Östersjökorrespondent Lubna El-Shanti om Finland som förebild" [Baltic Sea correspondent Lubna El-Shanti on Finland as a role model]. Interview for Radio Sweden (Sveriges radio) 6.12.2020.
Zavatti, Francesco. "A short history of the Oresund bridge". nordics.info 21.4.2020.
Ørskov, Frederik Forrai.“Görings danske wienerbrødsdage”. Article in Politiken Historie August Issue, 2020.