Hi! I’m Lumi. I’m a 9th grader, lower secondary school student from Itäkeskus. I was with the researchers of Talman Lab for two weeks for the TET work experience.
During the two-week period I saw lots of laboratory work, math and excel sheets. On my first day, I was introduced to the division and the people. I was also given a quick run through of the university organisation. In the Talman Lab, I followed the work in the cell laboratories and in the wet lab. I saw for example RNA isolation. I also toured the campus a bit and had lunch in the UniCafe. With the cleaning day being set for the time I was here, I helped with the arrangement of the storage room. Other, not research-related tasks I did include putting up an art exhibition with paintings made by the team, organizing the division’s library, writing this article and taking photos of the researchers.
The two-week period was an interesting experience and I enjoyed it! In the photo I’m using a microscope to look at cells that Katia (in the picture with me) was culturing.