Dr Qasim Majid receives the Outstanding Scientific Work Award at ESC 2023

We are delighted to announce that Dr Qasim Majid, a postdoctoral researcher in the Talman lab, has been recognised for his contributions to the fields of stem cell biology in cardiac regeneration and repair.

Qasim was presented with the prestigious ‘Outstanding Scientific Work’ Award at the recent European Society of Cardiology (ESC) congress held in Amsterdam on 25-28 August, where he discussed his work on the microvasculature. This network, comprised of the smallest blood vessels in the body, has long been understudied and the reserachers in the field would benefit from superior in vitro models such as those developed within our lab. Qasim highlighted the development of human pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiac microvascular-like endothelial cells (hPSC-MVECs) which now allow us to investigate the microvasculature’s contribution to cardiac disease. In turn, this model provides great potential in identifying novel drug targets to prevent cardiac disease. 

Congratulations, Qasim!