"My name is Tom Konings and I’m finishing my master’s degree at the university of Helsinki. My home university is the KU Leuven, where I’m doing a master’s in drug development. One of the things I felt was missing from my time as a student was an international experience, hence the reason I’m on an Erasmus. I picked Finland because I really liked the possible thesis project in prof. Strachan’s research group. As it turns out, I picked well because both Finland and prof. Strachan’s group are amazing! My project is about the study of the crystallisation process of indomethacin using non-linear optics. It is a very challenging and interdisciplinary project but the people here make sure I’m getting all the help I need. I very much recommend anyone hesitating about combining an Erasmus with a thesis to just go for it, and, if they’re into spectroscopy, to come to this group!"