
Research themes include sensing as a service, edge computing and IoT, low latency transport protocols, cloud computing and NFV, and distributed cognitive processing.

Environmental Sensing

The MegaSense research program develops scalable real-time 5G air pollution sensing as a service for megacities. It connects the leading atmospheric science research and geoscience research with Computer Science and AI.

Key People: Sasu Tarkoma


Edge Computing and IoT

The objective of this work package is to investigate technologies, use cases, and enablers for edge computing and develop an open Internet of Things platform which can leverage the concepts of edge computing for IoT use cases.

A recent publications on this theme is: Jiang Dong, Marius Noreikis, Yu Xiao, and Antti Ylä-Jääski. ViNav: A Vision-Based Indoor Navigation System for Smartphones. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2019.

Key People: Antti Ylä-Jääski, Hannu Flinck, and Sasu Tarkoma


Low Latency Transport Protocols

The objective of this work package is to investigate the suitability of current transport protocols for low latency application and identify avenues for performance enhancement such as application-specific latency reduction mechanisms.

Key People: Markku Kojo, Hannu Flinck, and Sasu Tarkoma


Cloud Computing and NFV

The objective of this work package is to investigate cloud computing techniques, such as OpenStack and Docker, for scalable and elastic virtualized resource provisioning and management.

A recent publication from this theme is: Abbas Mehrabi, Matti Siekkinen, and Antti Ylä-Jääski. Edge Computing Assisted Adaptive Mobile Video Streaming. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2019.

Key People: Antti Ylä-Jääski, Hannu Flinck, and Sasu Tarkoma


Distributed and Cognitive Processing

The objective of this work package is to build a novel data distribution and processing framework for base station data gathering and analysis with machine learning and statistical inference components.

Key People: Vilho Räisänen and Sasu Tarkoma.