Research and Models

The MSM group develops and applies a number of atmospheric models covering a wide range in temporal and spatial resolution, from micro-scale processes in box models to large scale circulation (GCM).

The MSM group collaborates with many national and international universities and institutes on the model development and applications. The main scientific topics investigated inside the group are:

  • Atmospheric chemistry schemes with focus on autoxidation of VOCs
  • Application of ML/AI techniques in the creation of the new chemistry schemes
  • Particle formation and growth with chemical composition
  • Air quality in polluted areas with focus on secondary organic aerosols (SOA)
  • Climate impact of SOA on the cloud concentration nuclei

The figure below provides a schematic spatial-temporal distribution of the models used in the group. Detailed information for the individual models are listed below.



The Atmospherically Relevant Chemistry and Aerosol Box Model (ARCA) is used for simulating atmospheric chemistry, the formation of stable molecular clusters and the time evolution of aerosol particles. ARCA is a freely available computational code which can be downloaded after registration on the ARCA-website.




ADCHAM (the kinetic multilayer model for Aerosol Dynamics, gas and particle phase chemistry in laboratory CHAMber environments) is a model primarily intended to be used for detailed studies of laboratory chamber experiments.

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SOSAA (Model to Simulate the concentration of Organic vapours, Sulphuric Acid and Aerosols) is a one-dimension chemical-transport model constructed to study emissions, transport, chemistry and aerosols in the planetary boundary layer in and above a forest canopy.

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ADCHEM (the 2D-Lagrangian Model for Aerosol Dynamics, Gas-Phase Chemistry and Radiative Transfer) uses first-order turbulence closure schemes to describe the air mass mixing  in the vertical and horizontal direction perpendicular an air mass trajectories.

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The FLEXible PARTicle dispersion model (FLEXPART) is a Lagrangian transport and dispersion model. FLEXPART can be run at either a local scale for short-term transport, or on a global scale for long-range transport. It can be run in either forward or backward mode.

Read more about FLEXPART on the FLEXPART website.

The MSM group is developing an integration of FLEXPART with Enviro-HIRLAM. Details of this project and code can be found here.



Enrviro-HIRLAM (Environment - High Resolution Limited Area Model) is a seamless online integrated numerical weather prediction and atmospheric chemical transport modelling system for studying meteorology-chemistry-aerosols feedbacks and interactions at regional-subregional-urban scales.

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EC-Earth (The European Community Earth System Model) is a set of tools that integrates knowledge on the Earth system and can be used to address scientific hypothesis on climate and environmental change.

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MPI-ESM (the Max Plank Institution Earth System Model) was developed in collaboration with the European Network for Earth System Modelling. The model is a comprehensive Earth-System Model that consists of component models for the ocean, the atmosphere and the land surface.

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MALTE-BOX (Model to predict new Aerosol formation in the Lower TropospherE) is a zero-dimensional model to investigate the size dependent aerosol number and mass concentration together with the specific composition of atmospheric aerosol particles, based on biogenic emissions and chemistry.

This model is currently not actively used or further developed in the group as it was replaced by the new model ARCA-box.

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The Pencil Code is a high-order finite-difference code for compressible hydrodynamic flows with magnetic fields. It is highly modular and can easily be adapted to different types of problems. The code runs efficiently under MPI on massively parallel shared- or distributed-memory computers. In our group a new aerosol module, coupled to the PENCIL Code (PENCIL-Cloud), is now prepared for calculating condensation dynamics of aerosol particles.

This model is currently not actively used or further developed in the group.

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ASAM (All-Scale Atmospheric Model) is a Large Eddy Simulation (LES) model and used to predict the role of tree canopy in the emission, transportation and distribution of chemical compounds and aerosol particles.

This model is currently not actively used or further developed in the group.

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SILAM (the System for Integrated modeLling of Atmospheric coMposition) is a global-to-meso-scale dispersion model developed for atmospheric composition, air quality, and emergency decision support applications, as well as for inverse dispersion problem solution.

This model is currently not actively used or further developed in the group.

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NorESM (The Norwegian Earth System Model) is a global-scale, long-term climate model.

This model is currently not actively used or further developed in the group.

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