Firstly, to explore the role of informal social networks among Filipino labour migrants in their access to the Finnish labour market and society. Secondly, to investigate the importance of social resources in the lives among the family members left behind. Attention is given to the function of social resources in the migrants’ networks, i.e. how these networks can provide or constrain access to the formal and informal social security system, working rights, membership in trade unions etc. Additionally, the study focuses on the function of transnational social resources among the family members left behind, i.e. for example on the role of remittances in their daily life, but also on changes taking place within the social ties of the families. Data has been collected among Filipinos working in those occupational sectors, where there has been a need of labour, namely within care-, hotel & restaurant- and service sectors. Thirty informants were interviewed including two key informants in Finland, whereas in the Philippines eight interviews were conducted among family members left behind. Additional data consisted of interviews among four families without any family members working abroad; four return migrants and four NGOs. These interviews gave a profound picture of the labour migration process and the significance of remittances. Sanna Saksela-Bergholm was employed to carry out the study in the period 1 November 2016 - 30 June 2018.
Information in Swedish is found in the link På fältstudier i Filippinerna.