
Publications by the Legacies team
Here are some publications from the project team

Timonen, V. (2024) Social Policy: The Quest for Freedom, Equality and Justice. Cambridge: Polity (forthcoming in Open Access, hardback and paperback) 

Shin, E. (2023) The Surviving Senses: life-forms in a contaminated world after the Fukushima nuclear disaster. [Doctoral Thesis, The University of Edinburgh]. (Access 27 March 2024) (Under revision for a book manuscript) 

Previtali, F. (2023) Dynamics of Age and Ageism in Strategic Workplace Encounters. [Doctoral Thesis, Tampere University]. Trepo. (Accessed 27 March 2024). 

Bäckman, M. (2023) What comes to count as sustainable in Rosendal? A study of how sustainability is being reproduced in an urban sociomaterial assemblage. [Doctoral Thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences] (Accessed 25 March 2024).

Yi-Neumann, F., et al. (2022) Material Culture and (Forced) Migration. Materializing the transient. London, UCL Press. (Accessed 25 March 2024) OPEN ACCESS.