On Tuesday 30.10 Tom Jilbert of ABRU-MERG hosted the Finnish language event "Miksi yritysjohtajan kannattaisi kiinnostua ympäristöekonomiasta?' at the Seurahuone in Lahti. The event, whose title translates as "Why should business leaders be interested in the environmental economy?", was organized by Lahden Teollisuusseura in collaboration with the Lake Vesijärvi Foundation. Tom's role was to introduce the speakers and lead the discussion after the presentations. The event was attended by approximately 100 business leaders and other interested parties from the Lahti region. Key themes in the symposium were how to combine climate- and environment- friendly policies with new business opportunities, and the technological advances that are facilitating these opportunities. Speakers included business leader and philanthropist Ilkka Herlin (pictured) who co-founded the Baltic Sea Action Group (BSAG).