Longitudinal educational data sets

Objective 1: Map and collect existing data providing original analysis of a range of high-quality education focused longitudinal educational data sets across Europe.

Focusing on a carefully selected range of contrasting European countries which provide diversity in regard to educational systems and welfare policies and partners with unique access to national data sets (see Table 1.2 below), LEARN will:

  • Provide a detailed mapping of longitudinal survey and administrative data in the LEARN case study
    countries, identifying the scientific and policy areas to which they apply.
  • Assess the potential and limitations of these data sources and provide tools to make them re-useable for
    future comparative analysis.
  • Identify empirically how inequalities in educational achievement unfold along the educational career in the
    short, medium and long-term, and how these inequalities have changed over time in LEARN case study
  • To investigate comparatively how educational inequalities are (re)produced across subsequent educational
    stages and transitions and jointly affect educational attainment in the short, medium and long term.
  • To analyse the effects of selected policy changes in individual countries on educational inequalities.
  • To assess the effects of differences in educational spending over time on inequalities in educational
    achievement throughout Europe.
  • Build upon previous and ongoing research projects funded by H2020.