Timo Miettinen gave a talk on Europe and its future as part of the ACASILAS-project

Watch the recording of Timo Miettinen discussing what is Europe and what is Europe voting about in the next election as part of the ACASILAS project educating high schoolers on science from 3.5.

The EU-elections will be held next June, where Europeans will elect the Members of Parliament for the next five years. What is the significance of the European Union for Europe and Finland? How is EU decision-making structured, and what influence does a Member of the European Parliament have? How can the European Union address the major challenges and questions of our time, such as the climate crisis, digitization, or global power competition? 

EuroStorie researcher Timo Miettinen together with researcher Johanna Vuorelma were discussing these topics as part of the ACASILAS Project (Tiedettä lukiolaisille) on 3.5.2024

Watch recordings of Timo's talk and the panel discussion trough the following links:

What is Europe? (Mikä on Eurooppa?)  Timo Miettinen

What is Europe voting about in the EU Elections panel (Mistä Eurooppa äänestää) Timo Miettinen and Johanna Vuorelma

The event is part of the EuroStorie flagship and Kulosaari Upper Secondary School's Science for High School Students event series. Questions during the event were posed by students from high schools in the capital region