This workshop concentrates on experiences of justice or injustice in a global scale and focuses on their temporal dimension.
We are interested in the process that emerges when a community faces a challenge to the foundations of its shared experience of justice/injustice, and hence is forced to re-evaluate and reinvent the narrative that provides significance and legitimacy to the common conception of (in)justice. In other words, through these “tipping points” the community engages in an act of “Vergangenheitsbewältigung” - dealing with the past - that concerns of not only the past, but the present identities and the possible futures of the community.
To sum up, this workshop brings together scholars from varying backgrounds and representing different traditions of making sense of the past and (in)justice in the world, in the aim of analyzing how different conceptualizations of time and memory contribute to understandings of themes of global justice.
We are happy to announce our two keynotes:
Usha Natarajan (Columbia University)
"Why Do People Move? Governing the Time and Space of Climate Migration"
Chris Lorenz (Ruhr-University Bochum)
"Taking Pluralism Seriously.Thinking About Historical Times Between Modernity and the Anthropocene"
Please register for the workshop here until May 19th.
If you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact Ville Erkkilä (!
Friday, 26.5.2023 at Topelia, Room F211
Usha Natarajan
Why Do People Move? Governing the Time and Space of Climate Migration
Rinata Kazak
Rethinking the Place of Ukraine in Central and Eastern Europe: Perception Through Environmental Policy Studies (from 1989 to Present)
Ulla Savolainen
Politics of Mutable Memorability: Relatability of Ingrian Folklore and Historical Experiences of Repression in Finland
Malin Arvidsson
State Redress for Involuntary Sterilisation in Sweden
Genevieve Painter
Title tba
Katharina Hunfeld
Title tba
Saturday, 27.5.2023 at Topelia, Room 211
Chris Lorenz
Taking Pluralism Seriously. Thinking About Historical Times Between Modernity and the Anthropocene
Agnes Hellner and Karolina Stenlund
Two Visions of Time: The Different Temporalities of the Rättsstat and the Rule of Law
Marco Piasenter
The Economy of Nature and the ‘Mirage’ of Social Justice. Hayek’s Evolutionary Narrative of Capitalism.
Zoë Jay
Urgency! At the European Court of Human Rights: The Timing of Climate (In)Justice
Silvia Steininger
The Proceduralisation of History before International Courts in Times of Global Injustice