Reetta Toivanen has been appointed as the chair of the Artic Centre's new Scientific Advisory Board

The International Scientific Advisory Board of the Arctic Centre has been appointed for the years 2024-2026. EuroStorie vice-director Reetta Toivanen will serve as the chair of the board.

The International Scientific Advisory Board assists the Arctic Centre with research planning, science education, data management, outreach and communication. In addition, the International Scientific Advisory board gives guidance on the implementation of the Arctic Centre Strategy and assesses its impacts and benchmarks, as well as advises on evaluating the overall quality of work at the Arctic Centre. Moreover the Advisory Noard supports national and international scientific cooperation and networking.

The Members of the Scientific Advisory Board for the years 2024–2026 are the following:
Professor Reetta Toivanen, University of Helsinki, Finland (Chair)
Dr. Isabel Barrio, The Agricultural University of Iceland, Iceland 
Professor Michael Bravo, Scott Polar Research Institute, UK
Dr. Paula Havaste, Science Center Heureka, Finland
Professor Paul Whitney Lackenbauer, Trent University, Canada 
Professor Akiho Shibata, Kobe University, Japan 
Associate professor Corine Wood-Donnelly, Nord University, Norway

The Arctic Centre at the University of Lapland serves as a national and international information hub and Centre of Excellence in multidisciplinary research concerning changes in the Arctic region. Its research encompasses social, political, and environmental issues, integrating methodologies from human, social, legal, and natural sciences.

Find out more information on the Arctic Centre's website.