POSTPONED: EuroStorie Research Seminar | Andrew Hom 2.2.2024

Kindly note that this seminar has been postponed to Autumn 2024. Please keep an eye on our events site for the new date.

When: Friday, Februrary 2, 1:00pm-2:00pm (UTC+2).

Where: Room 247, Unioninkatu 33

You can also join us via the Zoom (details to be published soon)

Title: The stories violent men tell themselves: Heidegger’s existentialism and the temporal roots of right wing violence

This seminar is part of the EuroStorie Research Seminar Series "Time and Identity". In our spring series, we want to concentrate on different notions of time and identity and illuminate the fundamental narratives and principles of contemporary societies that guide public discourse and decision making. Time is an essential dimension of our foundational stories and shared understandings of who we are, but the intertwinements between time and identity are characterized by diverse and sometimes inconsistent representations. How and by whom are the representations constructed, and what is required for a particular representation of time and identity to become hegemonic? In what ways does the focus on time and identity help us to analyze narratives on Europe?