Helsinki Legal History Series: Mathilda Tarandi 30.1.2024

We warmly welcome you back to join the Helsinki Legal History Series Lecture with Mathilda Tarandi on 30.1.2024

When: Tuesday, 30 January 2024, 1:00pm - 2:30pm (UTC+2).

Where: Porthania Building, Room P545, University of Helsinki. You can also join us online via Zoom:

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Meeting ID: 625 9459 3983

Passcode: 530047



Who was criminalised? Analysing the crime of abortion in Sweden, early 20th century.


Tarandi's research is on the crime and the decriminalisation of abortion in Sweden. The analysis starts in early 19th century and ends in 1975, when the formal decriminalisation entered into force. She is looking at what, or rather who, was criminalised. Studying material from the parliament as well as court archives, She explores how norms on female identity came into play in the legal discourse and how concepts such as guilt were used in the argumentation for decriminalisation. In this presentation, she will analyse the criminalised area in early 20th century. Borrowing from the humanities, she will reflect on the argumentation and criminalised area in relation to female archetypes.


This seminar is part of the Helsinki Legal History Series in collaboration with the CoCoLaw project. In 2024 the Helsinki Legal History Series runs under the theme of "Identities and Legal Histories". We are focusing on the questions of how have collective identities shaped law, and how has law been used to affect, change or protect common identities? Does law recognize marginalized identities or is the history of law a narrative of exclusion?