Helsinki Legal History Series: Luisa Brunori

Dear all, we warmly welcome you to join the Helsinki Legal History Series Lecture with Dr. Luisa Brunori from École Normale Supérieure Paris on November 5th

Luisa Brunori is Directrice de Recherche at the French National Research Centre, she is Full Professor in charge at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris. Trained in Italy at the School of Legal History in Florence under Paolo Grossi, she has devoted herself in France to research in the history of commercial law, the history of private law, with a focus on the Atlantic space of the early modern period. She directed the multiannual project "Histoire de l'économie sans travail", dedicated to the history of financial law, and now directs the PHEDRA network on the history of European commercial law.

Her seminar talk is titled: "The Identity of Partners and the Anonymity of Capital in Transatlantic Trade during the Early Modern Period"

When: Tuesday, 5th November 2024, 3:00pm - 4:30pm (UTC+2).

Where: Main Building, Room U4072 (Fabianinkatu 33, 00100 Helsinki). You can also join us online via Zoom:
Zoom Meeting]

Meeting ID: 698 8409 0650

Passcode: 921724


This seminar is part of the Helsinki Legal History Series in collaboration with the CoCoLaw project. In 2024 the Helsinki Legal History Series runs under the theme of "Identities and Legal Histories". We are focusing on the questions of how have collective identities shaped law, and how has law been used to affect, change or protect common identities? Does law recognize marginalized identities or is the history of law a narrative of exclusion?