Room P673, Porthania (Yliopistonkatu 3)
Olga Tkach (CISR, Saint Peterburg): The Unbearable Lightness of the Schengen: Visa Management of the Short-stay Visitors from St. Petersburg to Finland and Wider Europe
Discussants: Daria Krivonos (PhD researcher, sociology, University of Helsinki) and Jukka Könönen (post-doctoral researcher, Institute for Advanced Social Research, Tampere University).
Olga Tkach is a Senior Researcher at the Centre for Independent Social Research (CISR). She holds a PhD in Sociology and the title of a Docent (Adjunct Professor) in Sociology (migration and welfare research), awarded by the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies, University of Eastern Finland (UEF). Olga studies migration and mobility, au pair placement, home, domestic and care work, and various aspects of the everyday. Her recent publication is "Kin-related Elder Care in Russian Families: Challenges for Homemaking", in The Routledge Companion to Modernity, Space and Gender, ed. Alexandra Staub (New York, Routledge 2018), pp. 217-237. Funded by the KONE Foundation (Finland), her current research has been focused on neighbouring relationships in the newly built high-rise housing in St. Petersburg.