Helsinki University winner of GENTEC-EO Global Laser Lab Awards 2023

Luís Duarte, university researcher from the Department of Chemistry, was recently awarded a USB power meter (UP19K-30H-H5-INT) in the 2023 Gentec-EO Laser Lab Awards.

The Gentec-EO Laser Lab Awards aims to support optics laboratories by giving students access to the same quality measurement instruments that are used in the industry today.”

The power meter will be shared with Prof. Markku Vainio (Laser Spectroscopy Group) and used in the following master degree courses:

  • KEM346 - Experimental methods in molecular science

  • KEM372 - Laser Spectroscopy Instrumentation

  • KEM365 - Laser Spectroscopy

During the courses, the students are introduced to the basics of laser spectroscopy and laser instrumentation. The device will be used by the students for characterizing nanosecond and femtosecond laser light sources at different wavelengths (e.g., measuring laser power and linearity, power stability, optical power levels incident on samples).