
At the ISEE lab, we investigate how symbiotic microorganisms influence insect host communities, species diversity, and ecosystem resilience. Using innovative experiments and molecular tools, we explore the ecological and evolutionary dynamics of host-symbiont interactions across diverse systems.
Like matryoshka dolls: one insect species introduced decades ago to a small island had an effect on several insect populations

Researchers thought 30 years ago that they just introduced some Glanville fritillary butterfly larvae on a small island in the Åland Islands, Finland. Little did they know that within the butterfly larvae there nested two other insect species and a bacterial symbiont.

Could one bacterium put damselflies in distress?

A common endosymbiotic bacterium has led to reduced genetic diversity across large areas of the blue-tailed damselfly range.

For equity we need a broader definition of success

Discussions of a broken value system are ubiquitous in science. Anne Duplouy is part of a team of 24 international women scientists pushing for a shift in the value system to redefine “impact” and “success” in science.

The group's work contributes towards the following sustainable development goals:

Click each goal to read more.