Konstantin Kogan, Karita Haapasalo, Tommi Kotila, Robin Moore, Pekka Lappalainen, Adrian Goldman, Taru Meri. Mechanism of Borrelia immune evasion by FhbA-related proteins. PLOS Pathogens. 2022
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Meri S and Haapasalo K. Function and Dysfunction of Complement Factor H During Formation of Lipid-rich Deposits. Frontiers in Immunology. 2020.
Syed S, Viazmina L, Mager R, Meri S, Haapasalo K. Streptococci and the complement system: interplay during infection, inflammation and autoimmunity. FEBS Lett. 2020.
Meri S and Haapasalo K. Regulation of the complement system by pentraxins. Front. Immunol. 2019.
Syed S, Hakala P, Singh AK, Lapatto HAK, King SJ, Meri S, Jokiranta TS, Haapasalo K. Role of Pneumococcal NanA Neuraminidase Activity in Peripheral Blood. Front. Cell. Infect. Microbiol., 26 June 2019
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Haapasalo K, Koskinen L.L.E., Suvilehto J, Jousilahti P, Wennerström A, Suomela S, Trembath R, Barker J, Vuopio J, Kere J, Jokiranta T.S., Saavalainen P. The psoriasis risk allele HLA-Cw0602 shows evidence of association with chronic or recurrent streptococcal tonsillitis and points to shared T cell epitopes in these diseases. Infect Immun. 2018
Nissilä E, Douillard FP, Ritari J, Paulin L, Järvinen HM, Rasinkangas P, Haapasalo K, Meri S, Jarva H, de Vosa WM. 2017. Genotypic and Phenotypic Diversity of Lactobacillus rhamnosus Clinical Isolates Compared to Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG and Their Recognition by Complement System. Plos One.
Amdahl H, Haapasalo K, Tan L, Meri T, Kuusela PI, van Strijp JA, Rooijakkers S, Jokiranta TS. 2017. Staphylococcal protein Ecb impairs complement receptor-1 mediated recognition of opsonized bacteria. PLoS One.
Haapasalo K, van Kessel K, Nissilä E, Metso J, Johansson T, Miettinen S, Varjosalo M, Kirveskari J, Kuusela P, Chroni A, Jauhiainen M, van Strijp J, Jokiranta TS. 2015. Complement Factor H Binds to Human Serum Apolipoprotein E and Mediates Complement Regulation on High Density Lipoprotein Particles. J Biol Chem.
Amdahl H, Jongerius I, Meri T, Pasanen T, Hyvärinen S, Haapasalo K, van Strijp JA, Rooijakkers SH, Jokiranta TS. 2013. Staphylococcal Ecb protein and host complement regulator factor H enhance functions of each other in bacterial immune evasion. J Immunol.
Haapasalo K, Vuopio J, Syrjänen J, Suvilehto J, Massinen S, Karppelin M, Järvelä I, Meri S, Kere J, Jokiranta TS. 2012. Acquisition of Complement Factor H Is Important for Pathogenesis of Streptococcus pyogenes Infections: Evidence from Bacterial In Vitro Survival and Human Genetic Association. J. Immunol. (corresponding author)
Haapasalo K, Suomalainen P, Sukura A, Siikamäki H, Jokiranta TS. 2010. Babesiosis in Human, Finland, 2004. Em Inf Dis.
Haapasalo K, Meri T, Jokiranta TS. 2009. Loa loa Microfilariae evade complement attack in vivo by acquiring regulatory proteins from host plasma. Infect Immun.
Haapasalo K, Jarva H, Siljander T, Tewodros W, Vuopio-Varkila J, Jokiranta TS. 2008. Complement factor H allotype 402H is associated with increased C3b opsonization and phagocytosis of Streptococcus pyogenes. Mol Microbiol.
Laine M, Jarva H, Seistonen S, Haapasalo K, Lehtinen MJ, Lindeman N, Anderson DH, Johnson PT, Järvelä IT, Jokiranta TS, Hageman GS, Immonen I, Meri S. 2007. Y402H Polymorphism of Complement Factor H Affects Binding Affinity to C-Reactive Protein. J Immunol.