The launch event will take place at the House of the Estates (Säätytalo) in Helsinki at 1pm. You can follow the live stream of the event on this page (see below).
Chair, Under-Secretary of State Kari Kiesiläinen, Ministry of Justice
Opening words, Minister of Justice Anna-Maja Henriksson
Presentation of the report, Juha Raitio (professor), Allan Rosas (docent), Pekka Pohjankoski (researcher), University of Helsinki
Comments, Kari Kuusiniemi, President of the Supreme Administrative Court; Professor Tuomas Ojanen, University of Helsinki; Principal Advisor Paul Nemitz, European Commission; Director Tuija Brax, Rule of Law Centre, University of Helsinki
In October 2021 and in January 2022, the Helsinki Rule of Law Forum organised two expert seminars on the topic of rule of law in the EU. Furtrher below, you can find the recordings of those events.
The live stream for the launch event of the report "The Rule of Law in the European Union and Finland" can be viewed on this webpage on 11 May 2022 from 1pm (GMT +2).
Please click on the box at the bottom right corner to view the live stream in full screen mode.
"Oikeusvaltiollisuus Euroopan unionissa ja Suomessa" -selvityksen julkistamistilaisuutta voi seurata suorana lähetyksenä tällä sivulla 11.5.2022 klo 13 alkaen.
Videon oikeassa alakulmassa olevaa kuvaketta painamalla lähetyksen saa näkymään koko näytöllä.
Friday, 28 January 2022
Webinar programme:
9:30 Welcome words – Juha Raitio, Professor of European Law, University of Helsinki
9:35 Opening address – Didier Reynders, European Commissioner for Justice
9:40 How does a constitutional breakdown occur in a Member State?’ – Wojciech Sadurski, Challis Professor in Jurisprudence (University of Sydney)
10:10–11:45 ‘Protecting the liberal constitutional order in the EU and beyond’ – a panel discussion with Werner Schroeder (University of Innsbruck), Steven Blockmans (Centre of European Policy Studies), Katalin Miklóssy (University of Helsinki) and Daniel Halberstam (University of Michigan), moderated by Pekka Pohjankoski (University of Helsinki)
Recorded on Friday, 28 January.
Please click on the box at the bottom right corner to view in full screen mode.
To see English language subtitles, please select the 'CC' button at the bottom of the screen.
Friday, 29 October 2021
9:30 Welcome Greetings
Opening of the webinar, Juha Raitio, Professor of European Law
Greetings from the Faculty, Pia Letto-Vanamo, Dean, Faculty of Law (University of Helsinki)
9:40 Opening Address - Tytti Tuppurainen, Minister for European Affairs and Ownership Steering
9:45 'The Politics of Rule of Law in the European Union' - Alexander Stubb, Former Prime Minister of Finland, Director of the School of Transnational Governance (European University Institute)
10:15 ‘Looking in the Mirror: the Rule of Law Challenges in Finland’ - Kari Kuusiniemi, President of the Supreme Administrative Court of Finland
10:45-13:00 ‘Is there a shared understanding of the concept of the rule of law in the EU?’ - Panel Discussion with Leonard Besselink (University of Amsterdam), Paul Craig (University of Oxford), Xavier Groussot (University of Lund) and Päivi Hirvelä (Supreme Court of Finland), Juha Raitio (University of Helsinki) and Allan Rosas (University of Helsinki), moderated by Pekka Pohjankoski (University of Helsinki)